Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Setting and rising place of the sun. Does the sun set in a particular place? Can you travel to the place where the sun sets or rises?

Setting and rising place of the sun. Does the sun set in a particular place? Can you travel to the place where the sun sets or rises?

18:85 So he followed a course 18:86 Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of dark mud, and he found a community near it. We said, "O Dhul-qarnain, either you punish them or take them with goodness." … 18:89 Then he followed (a) course 18:90 Until, when he reached the rising place of the sun, and he found it rising on a community for whom We had not made against it any shelter.

(The non-Muslim’s objection against these Verses is ridiculous and clearly unscientific, because it is obvious that both sun and earth are involved in the rising and the setting of the sun. If earth were not involved, then there is no rising or setting of the sun, then you would see the sun all the time, not appearing or disappearing)(So, a “setting or rising place of the sun” involves both the earth and the sun. The setting and rising place of the sun occurs WITH the rotation of the Earth. The Verse says “he found it setting”, so it is subjective, not objective. So people can see the sun rising and setting in the sea, in mountains, in fields, etc., according to the earthly place in which a person finds it setting or rising)(According to Verse 70:40 there is no only one setting and rising place. This confirms that the setting and rising place of the sun change according to the point on earth in which it is seen)(The Qur’an does not say “he reached the sun” or “end of the earth” or “end of the course he was following” or “flat earth” or “only one point/place of sunrise/sunset”, etc., but describes a specific place where Dhul-qarnain saw the sun setting, so he stopped following the course when he reached that place, because the Verse says “he followed a course until when he reached”)(Allah knows best)

18:92 Then he followed a course 18:93 Until, when he reached between the two mountains, he found besides them a community, who would almost not understand (his) speech.

(Dhul-qarnain followed a course, “until, when he reached the rising place of the sun” (18:89-90), and after that, he followed another course (18:92), until “when he reached between the two mountains”, so if the Verse were to imply “end of the earth”, he would have not continued his journey, but that was not the case)(Allah knows best)

37:5 Lord of the heavens and the earth, and what is between both of them and Lord of each point of sunrise.

(This Verse confirms that there is more than one point of sunrise, according to the place you find it rising)(Allah knows best)

70:40 But nay, I swear by the Lord of the rising places and the setting places, that We are surely Able 70:41 to replace better than them; and We are not to be outrun.

(The words used are in plural: “mashariqi” (=rising places) and magharibi (=setting places))(Plural in Arabic means that there are three or more places)(This Verse confirms that there are more than one point of sunrise and sunset; that’s according to the place you find it rising or setting)(Allah knows best)

55:17 Lord of the two Easts and the Lord of the two Wests.

(If the earth had been flat there would have been only one East and one West. But two Easts (far/near easts) and two Wests (far/near wests) is possible when the earth is round, because if you go far in one direction, you reach the opposite direction, in other words, you can reach the east, going in the two opposite directions (near east and far west), and you can reach the west, going in the two opposite directions (near west and far east))(Allah knows best)

34:9 Then, do they not see what is before them and what is behind them of the heaven and the earth? If We will, We could cause the earth to swallow them or cause to fall upon them fragments from the sky. Indeed, in that, surely, is a Sign for every slave who turns.

(You can reach at any place in this world but you will see both, Earth and Heaven, before you and behind you (34:9). This confirms that the earth is round. And this confirms that you won’t reach the sun by walking on earth, because the sun does not rest inside/on Earth)(Allah knows best)

91:1 By the sun and its brightness, 91:2 And the moon when it follows it, 91:3 And the day when it displays it, 91:4 And the night when it covers it,

(According to Verses 91:3-4, the sun is immobile in terms of night and day, because it is the day what displays the brightness of the sun (91:3), and it is the night what covers the brightness of the sun (91:4))(When day and night are mentioned in the Qur’an, then Earth is implicitly mentioned, because the mention of night and day is related/connected/involves the Earth. The rotation of the Earth around its own axis causes the day and night. If the sun is immobile in terms of night and day (91:3-4), then the Earth, which is also involved, is the one that is moving, not the sun. So, according to these Verses, the rotation of the Earth displays and covers the sun’s brightness)(Allah knows best)

25:45 Do you not see how your Lord extends the shadow? And if He willed, surely He could have made it stationary. Then We made the sun an indication (dalilan) of it. 25:46 Then We withdraw it to Us, a gradual withdrawal.

(The sun’s brightness and the earth are involved in the “Shadow”. According to Verse 25:45, the sun is an indication of the shadow, so the sun indicates the orbit of the earth, not the other way round. (The sun’s gravity pulls on the earth))(So, the Earth’s rotation causes the shadow to change length, because the sun is immobile in terms of night and day (91:3-4))(The root of “dalilan” (indication) is “Dal-Lam-Lam”, and it means “indicate, direct, guide, lead, etc.”, so the orbit of the earth is led by the sun)(Allah knows best)

14:33 And He subjected the sun and the moon for you, both constantly pursuing their courses, and subjected for you the night and the day.

(The sun does not rest inside/on Earth, but according to Verse 14:33, the sun is constantly in its orbit in space)(Allah knows best)

2:143 And thus We made you a community of the middle way so that you will be witnesses over mankind, and the Messenger will be a witness over you. And We didn’t make the direction of prayer (l-qib’lata) which you were used to except that We make evident (he) who follows the Messenger from (he) who turns back on his heels. And indeed, it was certainly a great (test) except for those whom Allah guided. And Allah will not let go waste your faith. Indeed, Allah is Full of Kindness towards mankind, the Most Merciful. 2:144 Indeed, We see the turning of your face towards the heaven. So surely We will turn you (falanuwalliyannaka) to the direction of prayer (qib’latan) that pleases you. So turn (fawalli) your face towards the direction (shatra) of Al-Masjid Al-Haraam. And wherever you are, turn (fawallu) your faces towards its direction (shatrahu). And indeed, those who were given the Book, surely know that it is the truth from their Lord. And Allah is not unaware of what they do.

(The root of “qib’lata” (direction of prayer) is “Qaf-Ba-Lam” and it means “to accept, to face someone / something, the front part; qabala – turn towards; qibala – in the direction of, toward, etc.”)(The root of “shatra” is “Shiin-Tay-Ra” and it means “the direction of, towards, etc.”)(And the root of “wallu” is “Waw-Lam-Ya” and it means “turn, follow, etc”)(Because the earth is spherical, according to Verse 2:144, the Kaaba is a direction of prayer. “Facing” implies “turning/orientated toward”. Even if the Ka’bah is faced, it is a direction of prayer. And even if “Qaf-Ba-Lam” were to imply to only facing, in front of the Kaaba, the Verse says “you” in singular, so it was only addressed to the Messenger, who lived there. While this sentence of the Verse is in plural: “turn your faces towards its direction”, and uses the word “shatrahu” (its direction), instead of “Qibla”. So, it is a direction)(It is also said in singular: “Turn your face towards the direction (shatra)”, so, it was also a “direction” for the Messenger)(In Verse 2:144, “Waw-Lam-Ya” is translated as “turn”, but it also means “direct”. So, it confirms that it is a direction, and is the word used to order it “turn/direct your face/s towards the/its direction”. So, because it is a direction, the Verse does not imply that the earth is flat, nor that you would always face / be in front of the Kaaba while you stand, but you turn towards an (earthly) direction of prayer, which, if you were to travel / walk through that direction, you would get there, regardless whether you are facing the Kaaba or not)(Notice that Verse 2:144 says, “turn your face towards the direction of Al-Masjid Al-Haraam”, rather than saying “turn your face towards Al-Masjid Al-Haraam”, so the Verse does not necessarily imply facing or be in front of the place itself)(Allah knows best)

2:115 And for Allah (is) the east and the west, so wherever you turn, there is the face of Allah. Indeed, Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing.

6:77 When he saw the moon rising, he said, "This is my Lord." But when it set, he said, "If my Lord does not guide me, I will surely be among the people who went astray." 6:78 When he saw the sun rising, he said, "This is my Lord, this is greater." But when it set, he said, "O my people, indeed, I am free of what you associate."

(Although the sun’s diameter is about 400 times larger than that of the moon – the sun is also about 400 times farther away, so the sun and the moon appear nearly the same size as seen from Earth. Verses 6:77-78 say that the sun is greater than the moon, while both are seen from the earth with the same or similar size, so the Verse is implicitly saying that the sun is farther than the moon. So the Verse confirms that the sun is at a far distance, not in a place on earth you can travel)(The sentence “he saw the moon / sun rising” in Verses 6:77-78 is subjective, not objective)(Allah knows best)

57:25 Certainly We sent Our Messengers with clear proofs, and We sent down with them the Scripture and the Balance that people may establish justice. And We sent down iron, wherein is mighty power and benefits for people, and so that Allah may make evident (he) who helps Him and His Messengers, unseen. Indeed, Allah is All-Strong, All-Mighty.

(Mathematics in the Qur’an may also confirm that the earth is round, so that you can only walk on earth, while the sun is not on earth, but far away from it: The Qur’an has 114 Chapters; the Chapter right in the centre of the Qur’an is Chapter 57 (114/2 = 57); and it is called “Al-Hadid (Iron)”. It is known that the inner core of planet earth, right at the center of the earth, is comprised of iron. See the Verses and mathematical calculations below, and see also the article “Is the centre of the earth made up of iron, according to the Qur’an?”)(Allah knows best)

57:29 So that (the) People (of) the Book may know that they (do) not have any power over (the) Bounty (of) Allah, and that the Bounty (is) in Allah's Hand; He gives it whom He wills. And Allah (is) the Possessor of Great Bounty.

(Chapter 57 “Iron” stays in position 57 (in the centre) after sorting the entire Qur’an Chapters by “Chapter x Verse” multiplication product in ascending order: (Chapter 1 x 7 Verses = 7; 103 x 3 = 309; 108 x 3 = 324; 110 x 3 = 330; 106 x 4 = 424; 112 x 4 = 448; 97 x 5 = 485; 105 x 5 = 525; 111 x 5 = 555; 13 x 43 = 559; 113 x 5 = 565; 2 x 286 = 572; 3 x 200 = 600; 5 x 120 = 600; 8 x 75 = 600; 109 x 6 = 654; 62 x 11 = 682; 114 x 6 = 684; 63 x 11 = 693; 4 x 176 = 704; 14 x 52 = 728; 107 x 7 = 749; 94 x 8 = 752; 95 x 8 = 760; 60 x 13 = 780; 65 x 12 = 780; 98 x 8 = 784; 66 x 12 = 792; 99 x 8 = 792; 102 x 8 = 816; 61 x 14 = 854; 49 x 18 = 882; 104 x 9 = 936; 32 x 30 = 960; 6 x 165 = 990; 93 x 11 = 1023; 31 x 34 = 1054; 10 x 109 = 1090; 100 x 11 = 1100; 101 x 11 = 1111; 64 x 18 = 1152; 9 x 129 = 1161; 58 x 22 = 1276; 12 x 111 = 1332; 11 x 123 = 1353; 91 x 15 = 1365; 48 x 29 = 1392; 59 x 24 = 1416; 7 x 206 = 1442; 73 x 20 = 1460; 86 x 17 = 1462; 15 x 99 = 1485; 24 x 64 = 1536; 82 x 19 = 1558; 35 x 45 = 1575; 46 x 35 = 1610; Chapter 57 x 29 Verses = 1653; 87 x 19 = 1653; etc.)(Source: “Quran and primalogy” by Ali Adams. I also checked calculations and are correct)(Allah knows best)

87:19 (The) Scriptures (of) Abraham and Moses.

(Chapter 87 (“The Most High”) has 19 Verses; Chapter 57 keeps in position 57 when sorting in descending order because it has the same “Chapter x Verse” multiplication product as Chapter 87 (57 x 29 = 87 x 19 = 1653). So, it could be interpreted that ascending or descending is like the shape of a sphere (e.g. earth), because in such a shape, you ascend and descend on its surface at the same time at every point, and Chapter “highest” (e.g. earth’s surface) makes the “iron” be in the lowest position (e.g. centre of earth), so it implicitly suggest that earth is round)(The descending order is: Chapter 37 x 182 Verses = 6734; 26 x 227 = 5902; 56 x 96 = 5376; 55 x 78 = 4290; 74 x 56 = 4144; 77 x 50 = 3850, 43 x 89 = 3827; 79 x 46 = 3634; 69 x 52 = 3588; 68 x 52 = 3536; 40 x 85 = 3400; 80 x 42 = 3360; 38 x 88 = 3344; 53 x 62 = 3286; 78 x 40 = 3120; 70 x 44 = 3080; 51 x 60 = 3060; 75 x 40 = 3000; 36 x 83 = 2988; 83 x 36 = 2988, 54 x 55 = 2970; 39 x 75 = 2925; 23 x 118 = 2714; 20 x 135 = 2700; 89 x 30 = 2670; 44 x 59 = 2596; 52 x 49 = 2548; 27 x 93 = 2511; 28 x 88 = 2464; 33 x 73 = 2409; 76 x 31 = 2356; 21 x 112 = 2352; 81 x 29 = 2349; 88 x 26 = 2288; 50 x 45 = 2250; 42 x 53 = 2226; 41 x 54 = 2214; 84 x 25 = 2100; 16 x 128 = 2048; 72 x 28 = 2016; 67 x 30 = 2010; 29 x 69 = 2001; 71 x 28 = 1988; 18 x 110 = 1980; 92 x 21 = 1932; 25 x 77 = 1925; 17 x 111 = 1887; 85 x 22 = 1870; 19 x 98 = 1862; 34 x 54 = 1836; 96 x 19 = 1824; 30 x 60 = 1800; 90 x 20 = 1800; 47 x 38 = 1786; 22 x 78 = 1716; 45 x 37 = 1665; 57 x 29 = 1653; 87 x 19 = 1653; etc.)(Allah knows best)

57:1 Whatever (is) in the heavens and the earth glorify Allah, and He (is) the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

(Number “57” in Chapter “Iron” is half the total number of Chapters (114), and has 29 Verses. Number “29” is also the median or middle number between 1 to 57. If we multiply 57 x 29 = 1653; in regard to this resultant number 1653 (“16” and “53”): the 16th prime number is 53 (The first 16 prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53). On the other hand, there are 16 additive prime Chapter numbers in the entire Qur’an (aka “prime with a prime digit sum”: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 23, 29, 41, 43, 47, 61, 67, 83, 89, 101, 113); and there are 53 additive composite Chapter numbers in the entire Qur’an (aka “composite with a composite digit sum”: 4, 6, 8, 9, 15, 18, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 33, 35, 36, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 51, 54, 55, 57, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 72, 75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 93, 95, 96, 99, 105, 108, 112, 114))(Allah knows best)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (1) (Astronomy)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)

See also: How can you fast in the poles if sunrise to sunset takes months? Also how do you pray if there is a sunrise and sunset that takes 6 months?

See also: Does the Qur’an support a geocentric view of the universe?

See also: Who is Dhul-Qarnain? Is Dhul-Qarnain “Alexander the great” or “Cyrus the great”?

See also: Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an (Index)

See also: Is the centre of the earth made up of iron, according to the Qur’an?

See also: Does the Qur’an say the Earth is flat (88:20)? Is the Earth spread out (51:48, 79:30, 91:6)? Is the Earth a carpet (71:19)? Is the Earth like a couch (2:22)? Is the Earth a bed (20:53, 78:6-7)? Was the Earth stretched out (15:19, 50:7)? Is the Earth a level plain (20:105-107)? How can a Muslim face the Qibla/Mecca/Kaaba?

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