Sunday, February 21, 2016

Islam / the Qur'an and evolution. Was Adam the first man (32:7-9)? Was Eve created later than Adam (39:6)? Is the creation of Adam compatible with evolution (2:35-36)? Is evolution God made (76:28)? Were Adam and Eve the first humans (4:1)? Was man created instantaneously from clay (3:47, 3:59)?

Islam / the Qur'an and evolution. Was Adam the first man (32:7-9)? Was Eve created later than Adam (39:6)? Is the creation of Adam compatible with evolution (2:35-36)? Is evolution God made (76:28)? Were Adam and Eve the first humans (4:1)? Was man created instantaneously from clay (3:47, 3:59)?

2:35 And We said, "O Adam, dwell you and your spouse in Paradise (l-janata), and (you both) eat freely from wherever you (both) wish. But do not (you two) approach this tree, lest you (both) be of the wrongdoers." 2:36 Then Satan made (both of) them slip out of it, and he got (both of) them out from that in which they (both) were. And We said, "Go down (ih’bitu) (all of you), as enemies to one another; and (wa) on the earth, for you is a dwelling place and a provision for a period."

(Paradise” (l-janata) means “the garden”)(According to Verse 2:35, Adam and his spouse are asked to dwell in Paradise (2:35), and, after that, to “go down” “from that in which they were” (2:36). The Verses do not specify where is Paradise (the Garden), or where Adam and Eve were created; if they were created in a place other than Earth, then they would not have any ancestor on earth, then evolution would not be compatible with the creation of Adam. “Wa” (and) does not specify order or timing in Verse 2:36, so the Verse does not say that “after” Paradise they went to Earth, but tells that the earth is a dwelling place for them)(Another point is that “go down” in Verse 2:36 does not necessarily mean going from a place beyond the earth, to the earth, but it can also imply changing in condition, and/or just moving from one place to another. The root of “ih’bitu” (go down) is “ha-Ba-Tay”, and it means “to go forth, descend, cause to come down, descend from a high state to a low one, move from one place to another, enter into, change in condition, come forth from, become low, degraded”)(Allah knows best)

7:19 And O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in the Garden, and you both eat from wherever you both wish, but do not approach this tree, lest you both be among the wrongdoers." … 7:24 (Allah) said, "Get down (ih’bitu) (as) enemy some of you to some others. And for you on the earth (is) a dwelling place and livelihood for a time." 7:25 He said, "In it you will live and in it you will die and from it you will be brought forth."

(Verse 7:19 says, “dwell, you and your wife, in the Garden”, instead of “enter” (e.g. 2:111). So, in this Verse, it is not clear whether they were created in the Garden or not, or whether the Garden is on earth or not)(Allah knows best)

39:74 And they will say, "All praise (be) to Allah, Who has fulfilled for us His promise and has made us inherit the earth, we may settle (in) Paradise wherever we wish. So excellent (is the) reward (of) the workers."

(According to Verse 39:74, Paradise (aka the Garden) is on earth, but it refers to the Hereafter, so it might refer to a new planet earth. This earth will be replaced by another earth (14:48))(Allah knows best)

7:11 And We certainly created you, then (thumma) We fashioned you. Then (thumma) We said to the Angels, "Prostrate to Adam," So they prostrated, except for Iblees. He was not of those who prostrated.

(“You” is plural, so it is addressed to mankind. Mankind is “created” and “fashioned” before the “Angels prostrated to Adam”, because the Verse mentions “thumma” (then), which is chronological. So Adam is mentioned “after” the creation of mankind, so one interpretation is that the whole mankind is descendant of Adam, because when speaking about our creation is like speaking about Adam’s creation)(It is interpreted that the creation of man is not previous to the creation of Adam, because Verse 38:71 specifies that God was going to create a “human being” whom the Angels prostrated, and Verse 32:7 specifies “began the creation of man” referring to Adam, so Adam was the first human)(Notice that, even if evolution were true, the Qur’an would still be correct, if Verse 7:11 is interpreted as mankind was created before Adam. Nevertheless, Adam was miraculously created, the likeness of Jesus is like the likeness of Adam (3:59))(Allah knows best)

38:71 When your Lord said to the Angels, "Indeed, I Am going to create a human being (basharan) from clay. 38:72 So (fa) when I have proportioned him and breathed into him of My spirit, then fall down to him prostrating." 38:73 So the Angels prostrated - all of them together. 38:74 Except Iblees; he was arrogant and became of the disbelievers. 38:75 He said, "O Iblis, what prevented you from prostrating to (one) whom I created with My Hands? Are you arrogant or are you of the exalted ones."

(According to Verse 7:11, the human being is Adam, because both Verses (38:71 and 7:11) tell the same event (e.g they/the Angels prostrated, except Iblees))(Adam was not an ape, because, in Verse 38:71, Adam is referred as “bashar”; the word “bashar” comes from “basharah” which means “outer layers of skin”. Since human beings unlike most animals are not covered by hair and their skin is generally visible therefore the word “bashar” is used to refer to them; Adam also had knowledge of names (2:31), he was to follow orders (7:20), he understood “words” (2:37), he asked forgiveness (7:23),…)(Allah knows best)

32:7 The One Who made everything He created good, and He began the creation of man (l-insani) from clay. 32:8 Then (thumma) He made his progeny from an extract of water despised. 32:9 Then (thumma) He fashioned him and breathed into him from His spirit and made for you hearing and sight and feelings; little thanks you give.

(“Al-insaan” refers to non-physical features of human beings (personality, behavior, conduct, (non-wild ones. “Ha-Siin-Nun” is to do good or act well)). There is a distinction between the creation of the “first man” and his progeny. One is “from clay” and the others “from an extract of water despised”, as if the first did not imply sexual reproduction, like in the case of Adam and Jesus, so it suggest that “l-insani” could refer to Adam, not to previous beings)(In regard to “breathed into him”, according to Verses 38:72 and 15:29, “him” refers to Adam, so “Adam” was the first human (32:7-9), and is referred “after” “his progeny”, so the whole mankind is descendant of Adam, because when speaking about our creation is like speaking about Adam’s creation)(“thumma” (then) is chronological, but “thumma” in Verse 32:9 is in regard to Verse 32:7, not 32:8, because Verse 32:9 says “him” in regard to Adam, while Verse 32:8 speaks about his progeny. So, Verse 32:9 is considered to be or “relocated” after Verse 32:7, and before Verse 32:8, by using the word “him” (32:9) in regard to Adam (32:7))(Allah knows best)

15:26 And (wa) verily, We created humankind (l-insana) (out) of sounding clay from altered black mud. 15:27 And (wa) We created the jinn before from scorching fire. 15:28 And (wa) when your Lord said to the Angels, "Indeed, I (will) create a human being (basharan) (out) of clay from altered black mud. 15:29 So (fa), when I have fashioned him and breathed into him of My spirit, then fall down to him prostrating."

(“Bashar” in Verse 15:28 refers to Adam, because Adam was the one whom they were commanded to prostrate (2:34, 15:29); and “fa” (so) in Verse 15:29 is chronological, it occurs “soon after” the event in Verse 15:28. On the other hand, Verse 15:28 starts with “and” (wa) which does not specify order or timing, so it does not indicate chronology in regard to Verses 15:26 and 15:27. In other words, humankind and jinn were mentioned first, but its mention does not indicate chronological order in regard to Adam, because Verses 15:27 and 15:28 start with “wa”)(“him” refers to “human being” (bashar), because both are masculine)(According to Verses 32:7-9, “al-insaan” also includes Adam, because what is said about humankind (l-insana) (15:26) is also said about Adam (15:28), so we are all created of clay from altered black mud)(Allah knows best)

82:6 O man, what has deceived you concerning your Lord, the Most Noble, 82:7 Who created you, then fashioned you, then balanced you? 82:8 In whatever form He willed, He assembled you.

(Humans are genetically similar to dogs (82%), cats (90%), mouses (85%), cows (80%), fruit flies (61%), chickens (60%), bananas (60%), and also leeches, mushrooms, banana trees, bacteriums, etc.; then a similar DNA with apes (e.g. 96% with chimpanzees) is irrelevant in order to prove that we came from monkeys (aka from a common ancestor). If 96 percent of chimpanzee and human DNA is similar, is because both have arms, legs, fingers, eyes, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, blood, hormones, blood-clotting mechanism, immune system mechanisms, etc.; so, all these structures and functions have to be encoded in the DNA. So, if you have similar anatomy and biochemistry you would have similar genetic code)(Chimpanzee and human Y chromosomes are remarkably divergent in structure and gene content. According to the article “dna comparing humans and chimps” by “amnh(dot)org”: “human and chimp X chromosomes both contain about 1,100 different genes, or sets of instructions. Each gene affects a particular trait in the body”. So, the article suggests the conclusion that the genes are sets of instructions which indicate similar/same traits in the body of different/unrelated species)(In regard to sharks and dolphins, they are considered to be not very closely related to one another because their organs have different functions. For example, the shark uses gills to get oxygen from the water in which they swim, while the dolphin does to the surface and breathe atmospheric air in through their blowholes. But, dolphins and sharks both have a streamlined body shape with a triangular fin on the back and two side fins. So, species with similar organs or shape could not be related. God creates similar and dissimilar, He creates what He wills)(In conclusion, humans are genetically similar to other species because we share the same structures and functions with other species, rather than having a common ancestor)(Note: a chromosome is a long DNA molecule with part or all of the genetic material of an organism)(Another important point is that “human genome contains 223 genes that do not have the required predecessors on the genomic evolutionary tree”, “there 223 genes are completely missing in the invertebrate phase. Therefore, the scientists can explain their presence in the human genome by a “rather recent” (in evolutionary time scales) probable horizontal transfer from bacteria”, “223 genes is more than two thirds of the difference between me, you and a chimpanzee”. (Source: article “Sensational Human Genome Discovery” in “etanali(dot)it”). “It is a jump that does not follow current evolutionary theories”, said Steven Scherer, director of mapping of the Human Genome Sequencing Center, Baylor College of Medicine)(In regard to getting genes from bacteria, scientists are not certain or contradict themselves, for example, Robert Waterson, co-director of Washington University’s Genome Sequencing Center said that “It is not clear whether the transfer was from bacteria to human or from human to bacteria”. A new study even demonstrates that humans have relatively few, if any, genes passed directly from bacteria during evolution (source: Institute for Genomic Research in Rockville, Maryland))(Anyway, even if human were created this way, the Qur’an is always scientifically correct, because the Qur’an mentions the creation of humankind from an essence of clay (23:12), which might implicitly suggests DNA of bacteria, because it’s the only living thing possible in the mud. Anyway, God is the Creator. He allows/makes things happen, and created mankind the way it is/was intended to be. Some Verses mention essences of man (water, clay))(As an example, the “pure milk” mentioned in Verse 16:66 contains bacteria. If you eliminate bacteria from the milk, then it would not be pure milk. After milking the cow or cattle, the milk has bacteria, so the milk is that way, and is the palatable one (Verse 16:66 says, “pure milk, palatable to the drinkers”. But if you eliminate bacteria (aka pasteurized milk), then the milk is not drinkable for the lactose intolerant people, but with bacteria, the lactose intolerant people can drink it)(Allah knows best)

81:5 And when the wild beasts are gathered,

(All monkeys have 24 pairs of chromosomes, while humans (Neanderthals and Denisovans included because they are humans as well) only have 23; in other words, all so-called members of Hominidae have 24 pairs of chromosomes except humans, so mankind is not descendant of monkeys, or related to them in any way, except that they have similar traits)(Mankind is not descendant of Neanderthals or Denisovans either, but they are humans as well. Neanderthals and Denisovans are not even older than Homo sapiens (aka mankind). Actually, they should be called Homo sapiens too. Some DNA from Homo sapiens reveals Neanderthal and Denisovan ancestry, so we are of the same kind)(We know today that Neanderthals and Denisovans were not like monkeys. For example, “Neanderthals were keen on innovation and technology and developed sophisticated tools all on their own, scientists say”, “Neanderthals possessed the ability to perceive and produce human speech”, they “buried their dead, cared for the sick, conversed”, they “built hearths and were able to control fire for warmth, cooking and protection. They were known to wear animal hides (they made and wore clothing, which indicates that their skin was generally visible, only humans’skins (aka Homo sapiens) are visible, so Neanderthals were Homo sapiens)”, “it is now clear that early “modern” humans did not come after the Neanderthals but were their contemporaries”, etc.)(Allah knows best)

7:179 And certainly We have created many jinn and men for Hell. They have hearts with which they do not understand, and they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear. Those are like cattle, nay, they are more astray. Those - they are the heedless.

(The context of Verse 7:179 is that someone might be like cattle in understanding)(Scientists say that humans share a more recent common ancestor with rodents than they do with cows, but it turns out that our genome more closely resembles those of cows and dogs (Source: the article “Mooove over humans, the cow genome is here” in “sciencemag(dot)org”). And scientists conjecture about this fact: “this is probably because mice and rats evolve so quickly thanks to rapid reproduction”… . Notice that the scientist says “this is probably”, so that’s a conjecture, they are not certain. And evolving does not imply changing into a completely different specie. That fact might prove the nonsense of their theory. If we share a more recent common ancestor with rodents, maybe we should have rapid reproduction as well. What makes us not to have a rapid reproduction, unless we are different species created similar and dissimilar for a purpose?)(Allah knows best)

6:141 And He is the One Who produced gardens, trellised and other than trellised, and the date-palm and the crops, diverse are its taste, and the olives and pomegranates, similar and other than similar. Eat of its fruit when it bears fruit, and give its due on the day of its harvest. And do not be extravagant. Indeed, He does not love those who are extravagant.

(Verse 6:141 confirms that God produces “similar and dissimilar”. The similarities with apes do not prove that we are relatives)(Allah knows best)

6:99 And He is the One Who sends down water from the sky, then We bring forth with it vegetation of every thing. Then We bring forth from it green plant from which We bring forth thick cluster of grains. And from the date-palm, from its spathe are clusters of dates hanging low. And gardens of grapes and olives and pomegranates, resembling and not resembling. Look at its fruit when it bears fruit and its ripening. Indeed, in that are signs for a people who believe.

5:31 Then Allah sent a crow, it was scratching the earth to show him how to hide the dead body of his brother. He said, "Woe to me, am I unable to be like this crow and hide the dead body of my brother?" Then he became of the regretful.

(It is known that Neanderthals and Denisovans interbred with modern humans, it proves that they are humans as well, not a different specie, because different species cannot interbreed, then, if they did, they would also be descendants of Adam. In the case of Neanderthals, they were not ape-like, but human, they walked upright, they were as smart as modern humans. Modern-day humans possess different features unique to their own races, and the Neanderthals also had their own unique characteristics. Some scientists concluded that Neanderthals had a human-like capacity for speech, they could construct structures, etc., but they and Denisovans were wrongly and falsely depicted as ape-men in fictitious illustrations)(Neanderthals buried their dead, while Cain (one of the earliest humans), son of Adam, did not know how to bury his brother Abel (5:31). Abel was not a monkey, but a human, and was previous to Neanderthals who had more knowledge in that matter than Abel)(In regard to Denisovans, according to the article “denisovan” in wikipedia, the only physical remains discovered are very few bones (a very small fragment of a finger bone, three teeth, a partial mandible, an “arm or leg” bone fragment (they do not even know if is an arm or a leg), and parietal bone fragment); so the illustrations of Denisovans are fictitious. And they are wrongly called “subspecies of human”, while they were just “humans” because they interbred with some “modern” humans: 3% to 5% of the DNA of Melanesians and Aboriginal Australians is deriving from Denisovans)(Because the Denisovan finger bone and teeth belonged to a human being, the researchers were able to “read” some of the genetic code. Evolutionary anthropologists assume that humans must have gradually evolved from ape-like ancestors and through a series of progressively less primitive human forms. Yet nothing about Denisovan DNA discoveries supports this view”)(Another point is that Neanderthals and Denisovans also interbred with each other, because, according to the article “Denny (hybrid hominin)” by wikipedia, one of Denisovan bones is a human hybrid that is half Neanderthal and half Denisovan)(Allah knows best)

3:59 Indeed, the likeness of Jesus with Allah is like the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust; then (thumma) He said to him, "Be," and he was.

(The Qur’an does not specify how Adam was placed on Earth or where he was created, but is compared to Jesus, who had no father and was in his mother’s womb (Mary), so this Verse might suggest that Adam had a mother, but it is not explicitly mentioned. Nevertheless, one interpretation is that they are surely alike in that “He created him from dust; then He said to him, “Be” and he was” (3:59))(It is said that evolution would happen in a circulation of events which follow each other. Evolution would not be compatible with creation if creation happens all of a sudden (“Be,” and he was”); “thumma” (then) in Arabic indicates order, and it does not specify the timing between the two events, but “thumma” indicates that “be”, and he was” did not happen soon after “He created him from dust”, because “soon after” in Arabic is “fa”, not “thumma”, so “thumma” indicates that it was not a quick creation)(Verse 3:59 is irreconcilable with evolution and atheism. The believers know and believe that God is Able to create Adam and Jesus without a father. This is something that Muslims must believe and no doubt about it. The creation of things, in a lineage of creations, is God made (39:6), and only God, Who made it, can break the lineage, if He wills (4:133, 3:59), and can start a new creation (14:19). Whether He creates in a lineage, or a new creation, it is easy for God (19:9), because He created each individual while each individual was “nothing”)(Atheists are the ones who believe in fairytales, attributing the creation/evolution to “time”, “chaos”, “nature”, “bacteria”,… . Creation is not the Creator of all things)(Allah knows best)

3:47 She said, "My Lord how will I have a child when no man has touched me?" He said, "Thus Allah creates what He wills. When He decrees a matter, then He only says to it, "Be," and it becomes.

(For every matter there is also a decreed time, be it a quick or slow creation. This is confirmed by Verse 13:38, “for everything is a time prescribed”. It is also confirmed by Verses 12:36-41 in which a matter is decreed, but it had not happened yet, because there was a time decreed. So, the Verse could not necessarily imply that something happens instantaneously but at the prescribed time)(Allah knows best)

13:38 And certainly, We sent Messengers before you and We made for them wives and offspring. And it was not for a Messenger to come with a sign except by the leave of Allah. For everything is a time prescribed.

12:36 And two young men entered with him in the prison. One of them said, "Indeed, I see myself pressing wine." And the other said, "Indeed, I see myself carrying bread over my head from which the birds were eating. Inform us of its interpretation; indeed, we see you of the good-doers." ... 12:41 O my two companions of the prison, as for one of you, he will give wine (to) his master; and as for the other, he will be crucified, and the birds will eat from his head. The matter has been decreed about which you both inquire."

(This is an example of a matter decreed, but it had not happened yet, because there was a time decreed)(Allah knows best)

15:4 And We did not destroy any town but (there was) a known decree for it. 15:5 No nation (can) advance its term [and] nor (can) delay it.

(Even if evolution theory is correct, human beings would be/are “created” with a predisposition to be the way they are (e.g. a predisposition to learn language, etc.), while monkeys were created in a different way)(Creatures themselves, or nature are not able to create themselves that way, but we were all created this way by God)(Allah knows best)

19:9 He said, "Thus, your Lord said, 'It is easy for Me, and certainly I have created you before, while you were nothing.'"

(“You” is singular, each individual was nothing, and each individual is created by God, like He wills)(Allah knows best)

39:6 He created you from a single soul. Then (thumma) He made from it its mate. And He sent down for you of the cattle eight kinds. He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation, in three darkness[es]. That is Allah your Lord; for Him is the dominion. There is no god except Him. Then how are you turning away?

(If “a single soul” is Adam, then the Verse would confirm that the whole mankind is descendant of Adam, and that Adam was the first human, and that Eve was created after Adam)(“You” is masculine plural. “Thumma” (then) is chronological, but only refers to “a single soul”, not to “you”, so its mate was created before “you”. This is confirmed by the genre of “it” and “its” which is feminine singular, so “it” and “its” refer to “a single soul” which is also feminine singular)(One interpretation is that a single soul could be Adam, so “He creates you in the wombs of your mothers” does not imply that Adam was also created in the womb of a mother, but it happens chronologically, after the creation of Adam. And “you” refers to the descendants of Adam. The sentence “He creates you in the wombs of your mothers” confirms the interpretation that the “mate” is previous to “you”, because the mate is a (first) mother and so on)(The sentence “creation after creation” could be interpreted as a baby’s different stages inside the womb. It is confirmed by Verse 23:14, in which each stage is referred as creation)(There is a “chicken or the egg” dilemma, in which, people cannot tell which came first, the chicken or the egg, because chickens hatch from eggs. However, a mother chicken must keep an egg warm in order for it to hatch successfully. This mutual dependence causes ambiguity to decide as to which originally gave rise to the other. The conclusion is that, if there has been a first man he must have been born without father or mother. For the disbelievers, this matter is not resolved because they do not accept the truth: there is One Creator (God) of everything, who created everything from nothing and without any help)(Allah knows best)

7:189 He is the One Who created you from a single soul and made from it its mate that he might live with her. And when he covers her, she carries a light burden and continues with it. But when she grows heavy, they both invoke Allah, their Lord, "If You give us a righteous, we will surely be among the thankful."

78:8 And We created you in pairs (azwajan),

(The root of “azwajan” (pairs) is “Zay-Waw-Jiim”, and it means “to couple / join / pair / unite / wed, marriage, a pair, a fellow or like, spouse”. So, according to these definitions, it also means “a fellow or a like” (aka “equal, of the same type”), according to the context. So, we (humans) were not created of different types or species)(Allah knows best)

39:6 He created you from a single soul. Then (thumma) He made from it its mate (zawjaha). And He sent down for you of the cattle eight kinds. He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation, in three darkness[es]. That is Allah your Lord; for Him is the dominion. There is no god except Him. Then how are you turning away?

(Verse 39:6 says “He created you from a single soul. Then He made from it its mate/pair (zawjaha).”. The Verse may refer to the creation of woman, after man, but, another interpretation is that it might imply that one is created from the other, and that’s how “pairs” are made - mankind procreating/multiplying (aka having pairs), so it would be applied to any human who procreates)(Allah knows best)

4:1 O mankind, fear your Lord, Who created you from one soul (nafsin) and created from it its mate (zawjaha) and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah , Whom you ask with it, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever, over you, an Observer.

(The mate/pair/like was created before “you” (the descendants), because the Verse says “dispersed from both of them many men and women”, so this Verse does not say that there were humans before Adam and Eve)(Scientists say that there were only two modern humans with unbroken male or female lineages that continue on today; and the most recent studies indicate that the so-called mitochondrial Eve and Y-chromosomal Adam may indeed have lived around the same time (source titled “Genetic Adam and Eve did not live too far apart in time” by “Callaway E”. Also mentioned in article “mitochondrial eve” in wikipedia))(So, “Y-chromosomal Adam” is the most recent male from whom all living humans are descended through an unbroken line of their male ancestors” and “Mitochondrial Eve is the matrilineal most recent common ancestor of all living humans”)(The name “mitrochondrial Eve” alludes to the biblical “Eve”, but it does not refer to a “first woman”, nor the only living female of her time, nor the first member of a “new species”. Likewise, “although the informal name “Y-chromosomal Adam” is a reference to the biblical Adam, this should not be misconstrued as implying that the bearer of the chromosome was the only human male alive during his time. His other male contemporaries may also have descendants alive today, but not, by definition, through solely patrilineal descent; in other words, none of them have an unbroken male line of descendants (son’s son’s son’s … son) connecting them to currently living people”. Likewise, other women living during mitrochondrial Eve’s time may have descendants alive today but not in a direct female line)(Scientist also wonder about the time and geographic origin of these so-called “Adam” and “Eve”. According to Cruciani et al. 2011, “the most basal lineages have been detected in West, Northwest and Central Africa, suggesting plausibility for the Y-MRCA living in the general region of “Central-Northwest Africa””. The “possible” place of origin of Mitochondrial Eve is East Africa. But, because we are not speaking about the real Adam or real Eve, then, I think the matter of time, geographic origin, or if these two ancestors met, is something irrelevant in this article)(According to the article “The Myth of the Mitochondrial Eve”, by Pierre-Louis Blanchard, “The reason we don’t have that many ancestors is that some of our ancestors are our ancestors on several branches. It also implies that the further back in time we go, the more likely someone living at that time is one of our ancestors. A multitude of people living at the time of the Mitochondrial Eve all contributed to our genome”. “The truth is, we are the children of the millions of people who came before us. We are all part of an extended family”)(In conclusion, the ancestors called “Mitochondrial Eve” and “Y-chromosomal Adam” are not Adam and Eve, but those ancestors and other men, and other women, living during Mitochondrial Even and Y-chromosomal Adam’s time are all descendants of the real Adam and the real Eve, who came first)(Y-chromosomal Adam and Mitochondrial Eve’s age estimation is compatible with the time of emergence and early dispersal of Homo sapiens)(We are speaking about one human kind, not about different species able to interbreed, or different hominids (e.g. apes or apelike) able to interbreed with the descendants of the first humans, or any)(According to Verse 4:1, the “mate” was created after Adam, which might indicate that the “kind” or “type” was created after Adam)(“Nafsin” (soul) in Verse 4:1 is derived from the root “Nun-Fa-Siin” and it means “to breath”. Both monkeys and humans can breathe, but mankind do not descend from monkeys or from a lineage of breathing beings other than Adam’s, because mankind was created from one breathing being (4:1), who was not a monkey (38:71-75), so all other breathing (and non-breathing) creatures are excluded in Verse 4:1, so Adam had neither father nor mother. Notice that “to create a human being from clay” (38:71) may imply that it does not continue a lineage, but it is a new creation, because monkeys and other creatures contain clay too, but the Verse suggests some new creation. Clay is composed of water, aluminum, iron, magnesium, etc. Man has amounts of these; and also animals, for example, aluminum’s compounds are present to a greater or lesser extent in almost all rocks, vegetation, and animals, etc. If men came from monkeys, then Adam was created from a group of “breathing” ones, but, instead, Verse 4:1 only mentions “two” breathing ones (i.e. Adam and Eve), and their descendants (men and women). According to the article, so-called, “Interbreeding between archaic and modern humans”, in wikipedia, “Neanderthal-derived DNA was found in the genome of all contemporary populations”. So, mankind (so-called “modern humans”, Neanderthals and Denisovans) came from one and the same single soul or “one breathing” person and his mate)(Modern evolutionary biology makes the assumption that “all living beings could be descendants of a unique ancestor commonly referred to as the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) of all life on Earth”, but the term “one soul” (4:1) in the Qur’an is in the context of men and women)(Allah knows best)

38:58 And other of its type, kinds (azwajun).

(“Pairs/kinds” refers to being of the same type or equal, because the Verse uses the word “pairs” referring to one single type)(Allah knows best)

71:14 And indeed, He created you in stages.

(This Verse might refer to Verse 23:14 which is not related to evolution)(Allah knows best)

23:14 Then We created the drop into a clinging substance, then We created the clinging substance into an embryonic lump, then We created the embryonic lump into bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh; then We produce it as another creation. So blessed is Allah, the Best of Creators.

(The different stages inside the uterus are God’s creations, so the body cannot create it by itself)(Allah knows best)

23:42 Then We produced another [a] generation after them. 23:43 Not/(No) [any] nation can precede its term, and not/(nor) (can) they delay (it).

(The Qur’an is scientifically correct anyhow. The sentences “then We produce it as another creation” (23:14) and “then We produced another [a] generation after them” (23:42) can be interpreted as creating another generation of human beings, but also as another/new type of creation, after a previous different one)(The root of the word “ummatin” (nation) in Verse 23:43 means “ammina: repair to, go towards, ummun/umm: mother, source, prototype, origin, ummatun: group of living things having certain characteristics or circumstances in common, ummah: way / course / manner / mode, etc.)(Allah knows best)

28:68 And your Lord creates what He wills and chooses. They do not have the choice. Glory be to Allah and High is He above what they associate.

(The “natural selection”, which is the key mechanism of evolution, is a lie, because only God chooses)(The nature is a physical, or material world or universe. The nature is creation; the creation cannot create or create itself. So it is not able or has no intelligence or power or choice for that)(Allah knows best)

21:21 Or (have) they taken gods from the earth, they raise? 21:22 If (there) were gods in both of them (i.e., the heavens and the earth) besides Allah, surely they (would) have been ruined. So glorified (is) Allah, Lord (of) the Throne, (above) what they attribute.

(Atheists wrongly believe in “deities” other than Allah, because atheists attribute evolution / creation / adaptation / mutation to something that is not able to do anything, but Allah is the Creator)(For example, they say that the natural environment of an organism “selects”, while it does not select anything)(Allah knows best)

45:24 And they say, "There is nothing but our worldly life, we die and we live, and nothing destroys us except time." And they have no knowledge of that; they only guess.

(According to this Verse, “time” is unable to destroy, and it is also unable to create. Creation is not created by itself. Nature or environment is unable to create or adapt or evolve, but God is the Creator of everything)(Allah knows best)

52:35 Or were they created of nothing, or are they the creators? 52:36 Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, they are not certain.

(Evolutionists who are atheists cannot answer these questions. See the link below “Questions atheists can't answer”)(Allah knows best)

56:57 We created you, so why do you not admit the truth? 56:58 Do you see what you emit? 56:59 Is it you who create it or are We the Creators? 56:60 We have decreed death among you and We are not to be outrun, 56:61 In that We (will) change your likeness and produce you in that which you do not know. 56:62 And certainly you know the first creation (l-nashata), so why do you not take heed?

(“You” is plural, so (each) emission is created by God)(In regard to “first creation”, “Nun-Shiin-Alif” (l-nashata) means the start and progression of an entity (lived, arose, become elevated / high, grow up, create / produce / originate, raise, to found / build, began, etc.). One interpretation is that “first creation” refers to the creation “in this world”, not to e.g. evolution; this is confirmed by Verse 29:20, “Travel in the earth and see how He originated the creation, Then Allah will produce the last creation”. So, “last creation” is interpreted as the creation in the Hereafter)(Allah knows best)

80:17 Destroyed is man, how ungrateful is he 80:18 From what thing did He create him? 80:19 From a drop (nut’fatin) He created him, then He proportioned him,

(According to the context, “man” refers to mankind in general)(“him” indicates that each individual is created by God, based on or starting with a drop (nut’fatin) which in Arabic means “male’s and female’s secretion” (sperm and ovum fused))(Allah knows best)

18:51 I did not make them witness the creation of the heavens and the earth nor the creation of themselves, and I Am not the One to take the misleaders (as) helpers.

(Evolutionist were not witness of the creation of Adam, they just speculate, and you cannot trust everything they say. For example, they make fictitious ape-men illustrations of Neanderthals, but now it is known that they were smart and they were able to speak like modern humans, and interbred with humans because they were humans too)(Another point is that scientists observed bacterias, but that is how microevolution works. Macroevolution, however, is only a speculative extrapolation under conditions of other forms of inquiry. There is no proof that humans developed from animals. Speculations are sold to students as proof, the experimental gaps are closed with dogmatic fantasy)(Allah knows best)

5:60 Say, "Shall I inform you of (something) worse than that as recompense from Allah? Those whom Allah has cursed and He became angry with him, and made of them apes and swines, and (those who) worshiped the false deities. Those are worse in position and farthest astray from the even way."

(An interpretation is that those who are astray or transgress are compared to animals. This is supported by Verses 2:65, 7:179, 62:5 and 7:176. So, the Verse is not about apes coming from humans)(See the article below “Humans transformed into apes?”)(Allah knows best)

2:65 And indeed, you knew those among you who transgressed in the (matter of) Sabbath. So We said to them, "Be apes, despised." 2:66 So We made it a deterrent punishment for those in front of them and those after them and an admonition for those who fear.

4:133 If He wills, He can take you away O people (l-nasu), and bring others. And Allah is over that All-Powerful.

(This Verse refers to “l-nasu” (people’s behavior), not to physical features (“bashar”) of human beings)(Allah knows best)

76:28 We created them and We strengthened their forms, and when We will, We can change their likeness (with) a change.

(This Verse confirms that the forms can be changed, and it is God made)(“Adaptation / mutation” to the environment is God made)(Allah knows best)

2:29 He is the One Who created for you all of that which is on the earth. Then He turned to the heaven, and fashioned them seven heavens. And He is Knowing of all things. 2:30 And when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I am going to place (ja’ilun) a vicegerent (khalifatan) on the earth, they said, "Will You place (ataj’alu) therein (one) who will spread corruption and shed blood, while we glorify with Your praises and sanctify You?” He said, "Indeed, [I] know that which you do not know." 2:31 And He taught Adam the names - all of them. Then He displayed them to the angels, then He said, "Inform Me the names of these, if you are truthful."

(According to the context (2:31), vicegerent (khalifatan) refers to Adam. “Kh-Lam-Fa” means “to follow / come after / succeed another / substitute, etc.”; so the word “Vicegerent” (khalifatan) could make think that Adam replaced previous being/s, but it is not explicitly said, so “Vicegerent” (khalifatan) could be interpreted as managing what was left behind, so that there are some things on earth to be managed by man. According to this meaning, Adam could have not replaced anyone)(Another interpretation is that the Verse indicates that mankind is not the first to be on Earth, but the previous ones might not necessarily refer to humans, or related to humans, but other kinds)(the root of “ja’ilun (place)” is “Jiim-Ayn-Lam”, and it means “to make / create / bring into existence”, but it might not imply that Adam was created on earth, because the Verse says that a “vicegerent / successor” was going to be made on earth, instead of explicitly say “human being”; and also used the verb “Jiim-Ayn-Lam”, instead of the verb “kha-lam-qaf” (e.g. “Indeed, I Am going to create (khaliqun) a human being” (38:71)))(In regard to the Angels saying, “who will spread corruption and shed blood”, it would imply “mankind”, not “Adam”, because Adam did not shed blood; so, it could be a prediction of what humans would do in the future, but another interpretation is that it is what Angels thought that “Adam” would do, so the answer was “you do not know” (about Adam). Another interpretation is that Adam was made successor after Cain shed blood; so Adam would have succeeded his own kind (Cain). It is not explicitly said that Adam succeeded other inhabitants on earth or that he succeeded beings, similar to humans, or subhumans, who shed blood. According to Verse 5:32, from the time in which Cain killed his brother, “whoever kills a soul other than for a soul or for spreading corruption in the earth, then it is as if he has killed the whole mankind”, so Adam could have been a successor of his own kind, after that event about Cain)(Allah knows best)

38:26 "O David, indeed, We have made you vicegerent (khalifatan) on earth, so judge between men in truth and do not follow the desire, for it will lead you astray from the way of Allah. Indeed, those who go astray from the way of Allah, for them is a severe punishment because they forgot the Day of Account."

(According to this Verse the vicegerent’s duty is to judge between men in truth, so Adam might have been a vicegerent after Cain shed blood)(Allah knows best)

5:27 And recite to them the story of the two sons of Adam in truth, when they both offered a sacrifice, and it was accepted from one of them and was not accepted from the other. Said (the latter), "Surely I will kill you." Said (the former), "Allah only accepts from the God fearing. ... 5:31 Then Allah sent a crow, it was scratching the earth to show him how to hide the dead body of his brother. He said, "Woe to me, am I unable to be like this crow and hide the dead body of my brother?" Then he became of the regretful. 5:32 From that time, We ordained on the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul other than for a soul or for spreading corruption in the earth, then it is as if he has killed the whole mankind, and whoever saves it then it is as if he has saved the whole mankind. And surely Our Messengers came to them with clear Signs, yet after that, indeed, many of them surely commit excesses in the earth.

(These Verses may suggest that Adam was the first human)(Allah knows best)

7:69 Do you wonder that a reminder has come to you from your Lord on a man from among you, that he may warn you? And remember when He made you successors (khulafaa) after the people of Noah, and increased you (wazadakum) in stature (l-khalqi) extensively. So remember the Bounties of Allah so that you may succeed."

(Verse 7:69 specifies that a people (“you” in plural) were successors after the people of Noah, while Verse 2:30, in regard to Adam, does not specify anyone. So unless it is not specified, Adam could have not replaced anyone (born before him))(The Verse confirms changes in human size, because God wills to change it; and it is God made)(The word translated as “stature” is “l-khalqi”, its root (Kh-Lam-Qaf) means “to form or make according to proper measure, bring into existence according to a certain measure, originate or produce after a pattern or model, etc”)(The “same kind” of people was “increased”, rather than becoming a different kind. We have 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 total chromosomes), so we are descendants of a specie which had 23 pairs, not from a specie which had 24 pairs (monkeys). So, “changes” in mankind do not involve other species)(For example, down syndrome people have an extra chromosome (47 total chromosomes), but it does not make them to be a new specie, and women with down syndrome can have children with 46 chromosomes. Down syndrome males are almost always infertile. A number, other than 46 chromosomes, is regarded by people as an abnormality, rather than explaining why humans “became better” than monkeys)(The root of “zada” (increased) is “Zay-Ya-Dal”, and it means “increased / augmented / grew, exceeded, was / became redundant / superfluous, reamin over and above, addition, exaggerate, accessory, surplus”)(Allah knows best)

2:247 And their Prophet said to them, "Indeed, Allah has surely raised for you Saul as king." They said, How can he have kingship over us, while we are more entitled to kingship than him, and he has not been given abundant wealth?" He said, "Indeed, Allah has chosen him over you and has increased him abundantly in knowledge and physique (wal-jis’mi). And Allah gives His kingdom to whom He wills. And Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing."

(Verse 2:247 confirms that increasing in knowledge and physique does not refer to evolution, but it is within humans, because only one person was increased in knowledge and physique, with regard to his own people)(The root of “jis’mi” (physique) is “Jiim-Siin-Miim”, and it means “to be great or large, big / bulky / large in body, corpulent or corporeal, big-bodied”)(Allah knows best)

40:64 Allah is the One Who made for you the earth a place of settlement and the sky a canopy and He formed you, then perfected (fa-ahsana) your forms, and provided you of the good things. That is Allah, your Lord. Then blessed is Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

64:3 He created the heavens and the earth with truth, and He formed you, then made good (fa-ahsana) your forms, and to Him (is) the final return.

3:6 He (is) the One Who shapes you in the wombs how(ever) He wills. (There is) no god except Him, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

14:19 Do you not see that Allah created the heavens and the earth in truth? If He wills, He can remove you and bring a new creation. 14:20 And that (is) not great on/(for) Allah.

(The dinosaurs were removed, and other animals were brought. The Verse does not specify or might not imply that the new ones are linked to the previous ones, but they might be similar or dissimilar)(Allah knows best)

59:24 He is Allah , the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him the best names. Whatever is in the heavens and earth glorifies Him. And He is the All-Mighty, the Wise.

17:70 And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and We carried them on the land and the sea, and We have provided for them of the good things and We preferred them over many of those whom (man) We have created, (with) a preference. 17:71 The Day We will call all human beings with their record, then whoever is given his record in his right hand, then those will read their records, and they will not be wronged (even as much as) a hair on a date seed.

(This Verse makes distinction between the children of Adam and other beings, and those other beings are referred as “whom” (man). According to Verse 24:45 “who” (man) does not always refer to humans, but also to animals. So, Verse 17:70 might imply that humans were preferred over other creatures)(Allah knows best)

24:45 And Allah created every moving creature (dabbatin) from water. Of them is who (man) walks on its belly, and of them is who (man) walks on two legs, and of them is who (man) walks on four. Allah creates what (ma) He wills. Indeed, Allah on every thing is All-Powerful.

(“Moving creatures” (D-B-B) refers to animals and anything that walks on earth. “Moving creatures” are referred as “who”, and it refers to animals, and also in Verses 22:18 and 6:38, they are referred as animals)(Allah knows best)

22:18 Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever (man) is in the heavens and whoever (man) is on the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and the moving creatures (wal-dawabu) and many of the people (l-nasi)? But upon many the punishment is justly due. And whoever Allah humiliates, then for him there is no bestower of honor. Indeed, Allah does what He wills.

(This Verse makes distinction between “moving creatures” and “l-nasi” (mankind))(Allah knows best)

6:38 And there is no animal (dabbatin) on the earth and nor a bird that flies with its wings – but they are communities (umamun) like you. We have not neglected in the Book anything, then to their Lord they will be gathered.

(There is distinction between “animal/moving creature” (dabbatin) and “you” (mankind))(In this Verse, animals are compared to human beings, “they are communities LIKE you”. It implies that different species are created doing the same or similar things, but it does not mean that one evolved from the other)(Human beings live a social and individual life, some abandon their children, and some want to live alone, others don’t, etc. These situations in humans are also present in the animal world; for example, jaguars or leopards are solitary creatures, but they have to meet to mate; they fight each other over territory (This is not different from humans); and turtles live in communities, even if eggs were abandoned, a “community” does not necessary mean “to live with parents”, but with others of your kind; likewise some humans abandon their children, or some “fathers” go away after they got a woman pregnant, etc.)(The root of “umamun” (communities) is “Alif-Miim-Miim”, and it means “ummah: way/course/manner/mode of acting, etc.”. So, that word implies a common manner/mode of acting. So, doing the same or similar things do not make us descendants of monkeys in itself, but animals and humans were intentionally created this (same) way)(Allah knows best)

21:30 Do not see those who disbelieved that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, then We parted them and We made every living thing from water? Then will they not believe?

(Every living thing (specie) is made from the same element. On the other hand, there is no mention of every living thing having a common ancestor)(Allah knows best)

7:57 And He is the One Who sends the winds (as) glad tidings before His Mercy, until, when they have carried heavy clouds, We drive them to a dead land then We send down water therein then We bring forth from it all (kinds) of fruits. Thus We will bring forth the dead so that you may take heed.

43:11 And the One Who sends down water from the sky in (due) measure, then We revive a dead land with it; thus you will be brought forth,

(This Verse supports that different beings could be similar, despite they may not be linked to each other, because plants could grow in any dead land)(Allah knows best)

6:133 And your Lord is the Self-Sufficient, the Possessor of Mercy. If He wills, He can do away with you and give succession after you to whomever (ma) He wills, as He raised you from the descendants of another people (qawmin).

(This Verse uses the word “ma” (what/whatever) which is said that it does not refer to humans, but other Verses support that “ma” could refer to humans; for example, Verse 4:3 says “what (ma) your right hands possess” referring to people, so the Verse does not say that we have a non-human ancestor)(“You” is masculine plural)(“Qaf-Waw-Miim” (people) means “erect”, “stand firm”, “stand upright”, etc. There are fictitious illustrations of ape-men walking upright, while in fact they were monkeys, not humans (e.g. Australopithecus, etc.), so one interpretation is that those upright ones in Verse 6:133 are humans, because there are not monkeys nowadays walking like humans (erect), and it differentiates us from monkeys. And monkeys were/are not evolving to be like us)(Allah knows best)

29:19 Do not they see how Allah originates the creation then repeats it? Indeed, that is easy for Allah. 29:20 Say, "Travel in the earth and see how He originated the creation, Then Allah will produce the last creation. Indeed, Allah on everything is All-Powerful."

(There are no living creatures who are half monkey and half human, but there are only two kinds: monkey or human. Monkey-like humans only exist in their false illustrations, but where are they? Why existing monkeys do not become humans (e.g. lose hair, etc.) while we all live in the same environment?)(Allah knows best)

26:7 Do they not look at the earth - how many We produced in it of every noble kind. 26:8 Indeed, in that is surely a sign, but most of them are not believers.

(The existence of a specie, similar to Adam, does not mean that Adam was not the first of his kind or that we descend from monkeys, but monkeys still exist and do not evolve into other than a monkey, and God creates similar and dissimilar (6:141))(Allah knows best)

35:1 All praises be to Allah, Originator of the heavens and the earth, Who makes the Angels messengers having wings - two or three or four. He increases in the creation what He wills. Indeed, Allah is on everything All-Powerful.

19:8 He said, "My Lord, how can I have a boy, while my wife is barren, and indeed, I have reached extreme old age?" 19:9 He said, "Thus, your Lord said, 'It is easy for Me, and certainly I have created you before, while you were nothing.'"

(“You” is singular. God creates each individual while each individual was “nothing”)(Allah knows best)

77:16 Did We not destroy the former (people)? 77:17 Then We follow them up (with) the later ones. 77:18 Thus We deal with the criminals. 77:19 Woe that Day to the deniers. 77:20 Did We not create you from a despicable water? 77:21 Then We placed it in a safe abode 77:22 For a known period. 77:23 So We measured, and Best (are We to) measure! 77:24 Woe that Day to the deniers.

(If all creatures evolve, why only humans destroy the environment, and why only humans “lost” hair, and why humans can only be exposed to sunlight for a certain time?, etc.)(Allah knows best)

4:28 Allah wishes to lighten for you; and mankind was created weak.

95:4 Indeed, We created man in the best mould (taqwimin).

(“Qaf-Waw-Miim” means “stand firm”, “erect”, “stand up”, “stand upright”. So, man was never a monkey, it was created upright, and it is the best “upright”. But, it is a human characteristic, not monkey’s)(Allah knows best)

55:14 He created man from clay like that of pottery.

42:29 And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and whatever (ma) creatures He has dispersed in both of them. And He is All-Powerful over their gathering, when He wills.

45:4 And in your creation and what (ma) He disperses of the moving creatures are Signs for a people who are certain.

76:1 Has there come upon man a period of time when he was not a thing mentioned? 76:2 Indeed, We created man from a drop, a mixture, We test him; so We made (for) him hearing and sight.

71:17 And Allah has caused you to grow from the earth (as) a growth.

27:60 Or Who has created the heavens and the earth and sent down water for you from the sky? And We caused to grow thereby gardens of beauty, it is not for you to cause the growth of their trees. Is there any god with Allah? Nay, they are a people who ascribe equals.

(God is the Creator of everything)(Allah knows best)

22:73 O mankind, an example is set forth, so listen to it. Indeed, those whom you invoke besides Allah will never create a fly, even if they gathered together for it. And if the fly snatched away a thing from them they could not take it back from it. So weak are the seeker and the sought.

(The nature is creation; the creation cannot create or create itself. So it is not able or has no intelligence or power or choice for that)(If there is evolution, it would be God made)(Allah knows best)

23:12 And indeed, We created humankind from an essence of clay. 23:13 Then We placed him as a drop in a firm resting place.

55:3 He created man. 55:4 He taught him speech.

(Some non-Muslims make false assertions, such as that “Adam and Eve were not able to express the kinds of sentences that they do in the Qur’an”, while, quoting sentences of an article in wikipedia, “there is no consensus on the ultimate origin or age of human language”, “the topic is difficult to study because of the lack of direct evidence”, they are “speculations”, there are “problems of reliability and deception”, there are “hypothesis” and “theories”, etc.)(Nevertheless, according to Noam Chomsky’s single-mutation theory, “language appeared rather suddenly within the history of human evolution”)(Allah knows best)

16:68 And your Lord inspired to the bee, "Take houses among the mountains, and among the trees, and in that which they construct.

(Any “evolution” or improvement would be created by God. Nothing in the creation can make you improve or evolve (e.g. time, chaos, yourself or nature are unable to make you improve))(Allah knows best)

30:30 So set your face to the religion upright. Nature (fit’rata) (made by) Allah (upon) which He has created mankind [on it]. (There should be) no change in the creation (likhalqi) (of) Allah. That (is) the correct religion, but most men (do) not know.

(The context of the Verse is religion, because the word “religion” is mentioned twice; and the context is also about the “creation of mankind”. This Verse may imply that there is not change in the creation of mankind, but, it is also in a context of religion, so there is no change in mankind, in regard to that which mankind was created for. In that regard, Verse 51:56 says “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me”)(The religion was perfected, so it is not to be changed: “This day I have perfected your religion for you and I have completed My Favor upon you, and I have approved for you Islam as a religion” (5:3); “the word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and justice. None can change His words” (6:115); “no change in the Words of Allah” (10:64))(And some Verses suggest that mankind evolved, but one interpretation is that it refers to the stages, from inside the womb, and/or changes which do not imply evolving to a different specie: “He formed you, then perfected your forms” (40:64), “increased you in stature extensively” (7:69))(Another point is that “perfected your forms” can also be translated as “made good your forms”, so it is not in the sense of evolving, but growing)(“Nature” also refers to someone’s tendency, character, trait, etc., in which mankind was created, and it is not to be changed. The root of “fit’rata” (nature) is “Fa-Tay-Ra”, and it means “to create out of nothing, begin to create; fitrat – natural disposition or constitution with which a child is created. The faculty of knowing God and capability of accepting the religion of truth, religion, etc.”)(The root of “khalqi” (creation) is “Kh-Lam-Qaf”, and it means “to measure or proportion a thing, to form or make according to proper measure, originate or produce after a pattern or model which one has devised, bring into existence from a state of non-existence, act towards someone according to that person’s nature, to be complete or perfect in respect of make or proportion, have an innate/natural disposition/temperament/quality, etc.”)(Allah knows best)

4:119 "And I will surely mislead them and surely arouse desires in them, and I will surely order them so they will surely cut off the ears of the cattle and I will surely order them so they will surely change the creation of Allah." And whoever takes Satan as a friend besides Allah, then surely he (has) lost a manifest loss.

(Verse 4:119 confirms that (people) “changing the creation” is related to religion, so it might refer to people changing that which they were created for, by obeying Satan, instead of obeying God, so it is not about evolving into a different being: “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me” (51:56))(Allah knows best)

10:64 For them are glad tidings in the life of the world and in the Hereafter. (There can be) no change in the Words of Allah. That is the great success.

27:88 And you see the mountains, thinking they are firmly fixed, while they will pass as the passing of the clouds. The Work of Allah Who perfected (atqana) all things. Indeed, He is All-Aware of what you do.

(Even if evolution were correct, the Qur’an would still be scientifically correct, because some Verses are written in a way that it might suggest that humans evolved (“Who perfected all things” (27:88)); despite I do not agree with such interpretation, and the Verse does not specify that monkeys could become humans). “Perfected” in Verse 27:88 could be interpreted as “making things according to its purpose”, because the root of “atqana” (perfected) is “Ta-Qaf-Nun”, and it means “nature, in born disposition, mud. To improve a thing, set a thing in good order, bring to perfection, make a thing in perfect consonance with the purpose to which it has been created, etc.”)(Allah knows best)

51:56 And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.

11:119 Except on whom your Lord has bestowed Mercy, and for that He created them (khalaqahum). And the Word of your Lord will be fulfilled, "Surely I will fill Hell with Jinn and men all together."

30:54 Allah is the One Who created you from weakness, then made after weakness strength, then made after strength weakness and gray hair. He creates what He wills, and He is the All-Knower, the All-Powerful.

(Nature, time or chaos do not create, nor mankind created themselves)(Allah knows best)

20:50 He said, "Our Lord (is) the One Who gave (to) everything its form, then He guided (it)."

7:22 So he made both of them fall by deception. Then when they both tasted the tree, their shame became apparent to both of them, and they began to fasten over themselves the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called both of them, "Did I not forbid both of you from this tree and say to both of you that Satan is to both of you an open enemy?" … 7:27 O Children of Adam, (Let) not Satan tempt you as he drove out your parents from Paradise, stripping both of them of their clothing to show both of them their shame. Indeed, he sees you - he and his tribe, from where you do not see them. Indeed, We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.

(Adam and Eve wore clothes (7:27), while monkeys do not wear clothes)(Allah knows best)

20:117 Then We said, "O Adam, indeed, this is an enemy to you and to your wife. So (let) him not drive you both from Paradise so that you would suffer. 20:118 Indeed, (it is) for you that you will not be hungry therein [and] nor you will be unclothed. 20:119 And that you will not suffer from thirst therein [and] nor exposed to the sun's heat."

2:21 O mankind, worship your Lord, the One Who created you and those before you, so that you may become righteous.

(God is the One Who created you and those before you (2:21). “Those before you” is interpreted as previous (human) generations. The sentence does not imply monkeys becoming men)(Notice that Verse 2:21 is addressed to mankind (“O mankind”), and the Arabic word “you”, in this Verse, is plural. So, the sentence “the One Who created you and those before you” might indicate that humans are not the first creation to be on Earth)(Allah knows best)

7:172 And when your Lord took from the Children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants and made them testify over themselves, "Am I not your Lord?" They said, "Yes, we have testified." Lest you say on the Day of Resurrection, "Indeed, we were unaware about this."

2:228 And the divorced women shall wait concerning themselves for three monthly periods. And it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah (has) created in their wombs, if they believe in Allah and the Last Day. And their husbands (have) better right to take them back in that (period), if they wish for reconciliation. And for them is the like of that which is over them in a reasonable manner, and for the men is a degree over them. And Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.

7:23 Both of them said "Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will surely be among the losers."

(Verse 7:23 suggests that there were others, besides Adam and Eve, because, after they wronged themselves, they asked forgiveness, lest they be “among the losers”, but it could be a prediction, or might refer to jinn, not mankind, because jinn were created before men. Iblees was of the Jinn (18:50) and was commanded to prostrate to Adam, after Adam was created, so Jinn were created before men. Verse 32:13 says, “… the Word from Me will come true, "I will fill Hell with jinn and men all together”)(Allah knows best)

54:47 Indeed, the criminals are in an error and madness. 54:48 (The) Day they will be dragged into the Fire on their faces, "Taste (the) touch (of) Hell." 54:49 Indeed, We created everything [it] by a measure. 54:50 And Our Command (is) not but one, like the twinkling (of) the eye. 54:51 And (wa) certainly We destroyed your kinds (ashya’akum), so is (there) any who will receive admonition?

(Verse 54:51 says, “And certainly We destroyed your kinds”. The context is not the punishment mentioned in Verse 54:48, because the word “and / wa” does not indicate order, and might speak about a new matter. So, according to the meaning of the word “kinds”, the Verse might refer to destroying their “distinct sects or parties or disbelievers” (e.g. once the Scripture was revealed), so it is about religion. It is confirmed by the root dictionary, which defines “kinds” as “way of doctrine, distinct sect, scattered / dispersed, etc.)(The root of “ashya’a” is “Shiin-Ya-Ayn”, and it means “become spread / published / known / revealed / apparent, scattered / dispersed, like / similar, separate/distinct party/sect, way of doctrine / system / practice, etc.”)(Allah knows best)

30:20 And among His Signs (is) that He created you from dust, then behold, you (are) human beings dispersing. 30:21 And among His Signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed love and mercy between you. Indeed, in that are surely Signs for a people who reflect.

9:57 If they could find a refuge or caves or a place to enter, surely, they would turn to it, and they run wild.

(It is also said that there is obvious evidence for creation, rather than evolution, in the genetic code, “Geneticists announced that they had successfully read the human DNA code”. A molecular biologist was interviewed by George Caylor of The Ledger. In regard to the human code, he said “nobody I know in my profession believes it evolved. It was engineered, and such information could not have been written any other way. The paper and ink did not write the book. Knowing what we know, it is ridiculous to think other wise”)(Allah knows best)

16:8 And horses and mules and donkeys for you to ride them and (as) adornment. And He creates that which you do not know.

(Non-Muslims who mention Verse 16:8 as an error, they say that “ridding the horses” was made by a combination of “time” and “man”. I quote the non-Muslim: “it took thousands of years of domestication and cross-breeding before horses were domesticated approximately 4,000 years ago in East Europe and Central Asia”)(Answer: God made them to be ridden, because God created the horses, and made their ridding possible, be it immediate or after 4,000 years, but it was decreed/intended to happen. “Time” and/or “man” cannot make the horses “able to become” or “possibly be” or “potentially be” domesticated in the future)(Likewise, if evolution really happened, then it was God made)(Allah knows best)

18:27 And recite what has been revealed to you of the Book of your Lord. None can change His Words, and never will you find a refuge besides Him.

(The recent studies contradict the previous ones. Scientists make mistakes, so they have to change their books, over and over, but the Qur’an remains unchanged)(Allah knows best)

18:9 Or you think that (the) companions (of) the cave and the inscription were a wonder among Our Signs?

(According to scientist, they found “missing links” in human evolution, like for example, the Neanderthal, while they are humans, rather than a missing link)(Another “missing link”, Lucy (Australopithecus afarensis) is a collection of several hundred pieces of fossilized bone comprising 40 percent of her skeleton. She was reconstructed as a human-like monkey, despite of Lucy is closer to a chimpanzee or gorilla. According to the article “Lucy” in wikipedia, “the skeleton presents a small skull akin to that of non-hominin apes” (so, it is akin to that of a group, which is other than modern humans’ group). “Australopithecus afarensis seems to have had the same conical rib-cage found in today’s non-human great apes (like the chimpanzee and gorilla)”. “Lucy’s jaw was rather unlike other hominins, having a more gorilla-like appearance”. “Lucy was 1.1 m tall, weighed 29 kg, and looked somewhat like a chimpanzee. The creature had a small brain like a chimpanzee, but the pelvis and leg bones were almost identical in function to those of modern humans, showing with certainty that Lucy’s species were hominins that had stood upright and had walked erect”. The scientific reason that Lucy is a “possible” human ancestor is based on that “Lucy had the orientation of the spinal column, the shape of the hips, and a locking knee joint that is characteristic of standing upright. None of the surviving great apes besides humans have such adaptations: Lucy wouldn’t have been as good at walking upright as us, but she could certainly do it for longer than a chimpanzee or gorilla would”. Notice that scientists’ words imply that Lucy was a four-footed animal, who could walk upright, like chimpanzees and gorillas do. “Living apes are able to achieve a bipedal gait, but it is not their habitual gait because they are not designed for efficient bipedality. Lucy’s anatomy may suggest a gait that differed somewhat from that of the chimp, but on its best day it was not actually bipedal. In fact, her anatomy is quite consistent with that of a knuckle-walker. But even if Lucy and her cousins had a more versatile anatomy than some other apes, tiptoeing through the jungle didn’t make anything ape-like turn into a person”)(In regard to the so-called “Java Man” and “Peking Man”, quoting the article “Homo erectus: The Ape Man that wasn’t” by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, PH.D.”, “The archaic human species Homo erectus has been portrayed as an important ape-to-man transitional link. However, these fossils don’t provide any real evidence of evolution. Many paleontologists and a majority of creationists think their unusual features are nothing more than variants of human traits and not transitional at all”. “Java man consisted of just a skullcap, a thigh bone, and a molar tooth found separately in the same layer of volcanic ash. In fact, the skull and thigh bone were about 50 feet apart, but Dubois concluded they belonged to the same individual. An ardent evolutionist and Darwin fan, he immediately claimed he’d found a transitional form. His argument was based primarily on the skullcap’s pronounced brow ridge and size. It was smaller than the average modern human but still well within the known variation for humans. The thigh bone was identical to modern humans”. According to another source, Dubois’ “missing link” “became widely accepted as such, in spite of the fact that a leading authority had identified two of the teeth as those of an orangutan, and the other as human”, “textbooks and magazines were filled with fanciful reconstructing of ‘Java man’, who had been given the impressive-sounding scientific name of Pithecanthropus erectus (‘erect ape-man’)”, “naturally, the bones did not show whether their owner (or owners) had much body hair or not. Yet drawings of ‘Java man’ all showed the required amount of hair, the usual club in the hand, and so on. Although no face bones had been found, suitably ‘half-ape, half-man’ features were reconstructed in artists’ drawings”, “Dubois did not announce to the scientific community that he had also found two human skulls in the same general location and level in a gravel deposit”. According to Jeffrey P. Tomkins, “Speciments of Peking Man were discovered during excavations near Beijing. Modern human fossils were also found in an upper cave at the same site”. “Turkana Boy, in Kenya, this fossil’s skull features were similar to H. erectus, but its body was essentially identical to modern humans”. “The entire story of H. erectus is essentially built on about 300 very fragmentary fossils. The majority of these are nothing more than partial skulls, teeth, and broken bones. The only nearly complete H. erectus fossil is Turkana Boy, whose post-cranial skeleton was found to be nearly identical to modern humans”. “One could say that H. erectus skulls are shaped similarly to Neanderthal craniums except that instead of being larger compared to modern humans, their heads were on average generally smaller. However, H. erectus cranial volume is still within the same range as modern humans. Research has shown that, in general, human or animal intelligence is not based on brain size but on creature-specific organizational properties”. In regard to “recent Homo erectus in Australia and China”: “the problem with both of these fossils discoveries is that evolutionarily speaking they have been put in the same age range as very recent anatomically modern humans. Had they been dated at one to two million years, they would have been considered bona fide H. erectus because they would then fit the evolutionary narrative. As things stand, they are considered mere anomalies to be swept under the rug to maintain the evolutionary myth that so-called archaic human traits disappeared long ago”. “If one wants to accept the evolutionary timeline, then H. erectus-like humans with archaic features and humans with anatomically modern features have hung out together on Earth for a long time, even up to the very recent past. But it gets even worse for the evolutionary picture because so-called archaic traits like prominent brow ridges, sloping foreheads, prognathism, and small craniums can still be found in living humans”. “Not only is there strong anatomical evidence that H. erectus fossils are just a variant of the human kind, there is also copious archaeological evidence that they were highly intelligent and exhibited a broad range of human behaviors”. “Not only is the H. erectus fossil record fragmentary and incomplete, but the bulk of the data indicates this category is simply a variant of the human kind. As mentioned above, so-called archaic H. erectus traits can still be found in humans today. Even many evolutionists recognize this. A recent article stated, “If you bumped into a Homo erectus in the street you might not recognize them as being very different from you”. “Some H. erectus fossils may have been from specific people groups that dispersed”… “Some creation scientists also speculate that genetic abnormalities would have surfaced more rapidly in small, isolated, inbred populations, which may explain some of the unusual variations seen in H. erectus skulls” (Source: the article “Homo erectus: The Ape Man That Wasn’t” by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, PH.D.))(Recent evidence shows that modern-looking early humans had children by both Neanderthals and Homo erectus, showing that they are all fully human people groups”)(In regard to “Piltdown Man”, it was a (British) paleoanthropological fraud, quoting Goulden M., “The Piltdown case is an example of how race, nationalism, and gender influenced scientific and public opinion. Newspapers explained the seemingly primitive and contradictory features of the skull and jaw by attempting to demonstrate an analogy with non-white races, presumed at the time to be more primitive and less developed than white Europeans. The influence of nationalism resulted in the differing interpretations of the find: whilst the majority of British scientists accepted the discovery as “the earliest Englishman”, European and American scientists were considerably more sceptical, and several suggested at the time that the skull and jaw were from two different creatures and had been accidentally mixed up”. According to the article “The Piltdown Man Fraud” by Dr. Monty White, “Dr Kenneth Oakley “showed that the skull was from a modern human and that the jawbone and teeth were from an orangutan. The teeth had been filed down to make them look human. The bones and teeth had been chemically treated (and sometimes even painted) to give them the appearance of being ancient”)(“Nebraska Man” is another fraud, the discovery of a single tooth led to the belief that an ape-like creature had once roamed the plains of the Americas. According to the article “Nebraska Man” by Ruth Carter, “An artist, using a lot of imagination, drew Nebraska Man as a hairy ape-man. Several years later, it was discovered that the tooth was from a type of extinct pig. The whole ape-man idea was a complete mistake”)(The so-called “Taung Child” (Australopithecus africanus) is alleged to have a jaw of human-like features and an ape-sized brain. But, he “is simply an extinct adolescent ape. Even if Taung Child had possessed a roomier expandable frontal region in its cranium, it would have still been an ape with no ability to acquire the genetic information to evolve into a human or any new more complex kind of animal”. According to Kristian Carlson, “high-resolution CT scan of the same fossil failed to find the unfused bony suture or evidence that Taung Child was evolving a more human-like brain. The one region that might arguably have been unfused was not even in the right place to support any sort of human-like pattern of front-to-back fusion”, “even if the Taung Child had possessed an open frontal suture, the authors write, that still wouldn’t have been sufficient to demonstrate that Au. Africanus was evolving frontal brain improvements in the human direction. They also failed to find evidence that the convolutions of Taung Child’s brain differed from the patterns in apes”)(According to some scientists, if those hominins walked like us, nothing else suggests the first hominins were any more human than chimps or gorillas)(In regard to the so-called Ardipithecus, he had “a brain that was slightly smaller than a chimp’s, and there’s no evidence they used tools“. Modern apes are skilled tool-users. Stony Brook University’s William Jungers said, “this is a fascinating skeleton, but based on what they present, the evidence for bipedality is limited at best. Divergent big toes are associated with grasping, and this has one of the most divergent big toes you can imagine. Why would an animal fully adapted to support its weight on its forelimbs in the trees elect to walk bipedally on the ground?”. “Neither the similarity of the cranial base in two extinct apes – afarensis and Ardi – nor even the fact that this anatomy may differ from that of modern apes demonstrates that Ardi is our ancestor”, “the same can be said of many creatures when extinct and living are compared”)(In regard to “Homo heidelbergensis”, also called “H. erectus heidelbergensis” and “H. sapiens heidelbergensis”, he is placed between modern humans (H. sapiens) and Neanderthals”. Some scientists say that Heidelberg man is “probably ancestral to Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis”. Quoting Matthias Meyer (German evolutionary geneticist), “this is the hardest sample I have ever worked on that yielded a result. Those results, published in Nature, show that the person from the cave was not a match for Neanderthals but was a pretty good match for the Denisovan people whose scanty fossil evidence has come from Siberia’s Altai Mountains”. Denisovan fossils at this time consist only of a finger, a toe, and a few teeth, so we do not know what they looked like. “The fact that the mtDNA of the hominin shares a common ancestor with Denisovan rather than Neanderthal mtDNAs is unexpected since its skeletal remains carry Neanderthal-derived features”, Meyes says. Another source says that “Stringer reports fossil and genetic evidence now show the Sima fossils are just Neanderthals”. “In particular, their teeth and jaws are shaped very like those of Neanderthals. But all other evidence indicated Neanderthals did not appear on the scene for another 200,000 years. Dating those bones to such an early date completely distorts our picture of our evolution”)(A conclusion is that the more geneticists learn about ancient people like Neanderthals, Denisovans, and Homo heidelbergensis, the interrelationships of these fully human people with each other and with modern humans become increasingly apparent)(In regard to Homo habilis, there is no solid evidence to say that Homo sapiens came from Homo habilis. According to the article “Homo Habilis: first humans?” by Greg Beyer, “despite the acceptance of this theory, many academics in the field are willing to admit that the evidence for it is not solid enough to warrant it being taught as fact. It is subject to amendment when new evidence is presented. The debate around H. habilis is that while it is likely H. erectus evolved from them, it is also possible H. erectus evolved from H. rudolfensis, or both, or neither. Until recently, H. rudolfensis was classified under the Paranthropus genus, so the theories are malleable. Some believe H. rudolfensis and H. habilis are not even separate species, and the remains that have been found of H. rudolfensis represent female H. habilis”)(There is no missing link, but there are humans or apes. H. habilis was an ape (so-called “australopith-like” kind of ape), according to his body size, body shape (both more similar to living great apes than to modern humans), locomotion (climbing abilities), jaws and teeth (very dissimilar to Homo sapiens), development (more similar to the African great apes) and brain size. H. habilis had about 100-120 cm in height and 20-37 kg in weight. He was smaller than a chimpanzee, who are sophisticated tool users)(In regard to Australopithecus sediba, it closely resembles a modern chimpanzee. When a non-human primate fossil is discovered, it is not recognized as such, but is instead claimed to be an evolutionary ancestor of humans. “Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell, a science writer, recently saw a replica of sediba’s skull in London’s Natural History Museum. She declared that its “nasal bones are flat, as seen in apes, but don’t project as in humans. The lower half of the face projects as in other apes, rather than being flattened as with humans. The cranial capacity is also small”)(In regard to Homo georgicus (Dmanisi), Dr. David Menton commented on the difficulty in sorting through the data coming out of Dmanisi, he said, “Ordinarily it should be simple enough to tell if a skull belonged to a human or an ape. However, this can be difficult with sparse, fragmentary specimens as we have seen before with Homo habilis and Homo rudolfensis. Furthermore, pathological changes due to disease, deformities, and prolonged deprivation can make this process difficult and present a confusing picture such as we are probably seeing at Dmanisi”)(The conclusion is that H neanderthalensis (Neanderthals), H. heidelbergensis (Heidelberg), H. erectus, H. ergaster, Denisovan, Homo antecessor and H. floresiensis are fully humans. While H. habilis, H. rudolfensis, Australopithecus (africanus, afarensis, sediba), Paranthropus (robustus, boisei, aethiopicus) and H. naledi are fully apes)(Any human, increasing in knowledge and physique (2:247), occurs within humankind. And any changing apes occur within apes)(For more information about “different Homo species”, see the link below, “The Non-Transitions in ‘Human Evolution’ – on Evolutionists’ Terms”)(Allah knows best)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (2) (Biology)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)

See also: Questions atheists can't answer

See also: Humans transformed into apes?

See also: Were horses created as transportation?

See also: Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an (Index)

See also this blog about Adam creation and human evolution: or

See also: Homo erectus: The Ape Man That Wasn’t:

See also: The Non-Transitions in ‘Human Evolution’ – on Evolutionists’ Terms:


  1. I was in the search of such an article.Brother,Can I copy from it.

    1. Of course, you can copy anything you want in the entire blog
