Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Width of garden; 1 heaven or plural heavens?

Width of garden; 1 heaven or plural heavens?

3:133 And hasten towards forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden - its width (as) the heavens (l-samawatu) and the earth, prepared for the pious.

(“The heavens” (l-samawatu) is plural, it includes all the heavens)(Allah knows best)

57:21 Race towards the forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden whose width is like the width of the heaven (l-samai) and the earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His Messengers. That is the Bounty of Allah, He gives it to whom He wills. And Allah is the Possessor of Great Bounty.

(“The heaven” (l-samai) is used as a generic noun, so it includes all the heavens. Verse 57:21 does not refer to just one of the seven heavens (e.g. “the nearest heaven”), because it is not specified, so the “heaven” is used as a generic noun)(“Earth” is also generic, and according to the context, “earth” can mean “matter”; the universe is composed of matter, and the heaven is space; so the Garden’s width is like the width of matter and space in this world / the universe)(Allah knows best)

65:12 Allah is He Who created seven heavens, and of the earth, the like of them. The command descends between them that you may know that Allah is All-Powerful over everything. And that Allah, indeed, encompasses all things in knowledge.

(An interpretation of Verse 65:12 is that “earth” means “matter”. That matter is the like of the heavens in size, because the heavens contain matter. This interpretation is supported by Verse 57:21, “a Garden whose width is like the width of the heaven and the earth” (so heaven and earth are mentioned as one size, which is also like the “Garden” (Paradise)). There is matter all over the universe (space). As much as 90 percent of the matter in the universe is invisible)(“The like of them” is feminine plural, so it refers to seven heavens, also feminine plural)(Another (less likely) interpretation is that there are seven earths like planet earth, because, if “that created of the earth” is created likewise in seven heavens (65:12), then, it might imply that there are seven earths, like planet earth)(Allah knows best)

21:30 Do not see those who disbelieved that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, then We parted them and We made every living thing from water? Then will they not believe?

(Verse 21:30 uses the words “heavens” and “earth”; according to the context, “earth” is “matter”, and “heavens” is “space”)(Verse 21:30 says that “space” and “matter” were a joined entity, then they were parted. It is in accordance with science, because, according to the article “Big Bang theory for kids”, in “sciencing(dot)com”, by “Chris Deziel”, “Space and matter existed in a single point called a singularity; an infinitesimally small and dense point. The Big Bang was not literally and explosion – all we can really say is that it is the point at which space and time began to expand into the universe we know today”)(Another interpretation of the Verse is that the heavens (a joined entity) were parted into seven spaces, including its contents (matter), because the universe is composed of matter)(Allah knows best)

41:11 Then He directed (Himself) towards the heaven while it was smoke, and He said to it and to the earth, "Come both of you willingly or unwillingly." They both said, "We come willingly." 41:12 Then He completed them as seven heavens in two periods and He revealed in each heaven its affair. And We adorned the nearest heaven with lamps and to guard. That is the Decree of the All-Mighty, the All-Knower.

(The Heaven represents seven heavens, while the nearest heaven is only one of them)(In regard to “nearest heaven”, all the stars we see belong to the Milky Way galaxy. If we consider the combined light of many billions of stars, then we can see stars from other galaxies too, but still the nearest heaven is adorned with lamps. So one interpretation is that the Milky Way galaxy could be the nearest heaven. Another interpretation is that the nearest heaven is not only the Milky Way galaxy but it is also other stars and galaxies that have been detected in the sky. If so, the multiple heavens (universes) would lie outside and beyond these galaxies)(Allah knows best)

See also: Is there any contradiction in the Qur'an? (6) (Heaven and Hell)


See also: Is there any contradiction in the Qur'an? (0) (Index)


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