Friday, March 31, 2017

Did the Qur’an predict the speed of light?

Did the Qur’an predict the speed of light?

32:5 He regulates the affair from the heaven to the earth; then it will ascend (ya’ruju) to Him in a Day, the measure of which is a thousand years of what you count.

(The Verse says 1,000 years “of what you count” (the Arabs); they followed the lunar calendar and counted 12 lunar months each year. The Angels are made of light, and travel in one day the same distance than the moon travels in 12,000 lunar orbits (1,000 x 12). The Arabs used the synodic system which is a rotating frame with respect to stars (rotating frames with respect to stars by definition are non-inertial), and the speed of light in their non-inertial frame is undefined (the distance traveled in one hour gives a different speed than distance traveled in two hours…). NASA uses the sidereal system which is a geocentric frame non-rotating with respect the stars. The measured speed of light in local inertial frames is 299,792.458 km/sec. In order to make a comparison with “299,792.458 km/sec” then you have to make it in a “local inertial frame”, because all measurements should be taken in the same frame. Special relativity requires the frame of reference to be inertial (travel in a straight line). Since Earth (our local frame of reference) is orbiting the sun then it is not traveling in a straight line, hence it is non-inertial. So when we compare the nominal speed of light with “12,000 Lunar Orbits / Earth Day” inside the gravitational field of the sun (non-inertial frame) we get 11% difference; however when the geocentric frame is inertial we get zero% difference. When the Earth-moon system exits the solar system the geocentric frame travels in a straight line (becomes inertial) and “12,000 Lunar Orbits / Earth Day” becomes equivalent to the speed of light)(Note: the word “ya’ruju” in Verse 32:5 denotes distance, not time)(In conclusion, according to the link below, this Verse of the Qur’an predicted the speed of light)(See explanations and calculations in the link below)(Allah knows best)

Link: or see a pdf of it in

70:3 From Allah, Owner of the ways of ascent. 70:4 The Angels and the Spirit ascend to Him in a Day, its measure is fifty thousand years. 70:5 So be patient, a good patience. 70:6 Indeed, they see it (as) far off. 70:7 But We see it near. 70:8 The Day when the sky will be like molten copper, 70:9 And the mountains will be like wool, 70:10 And no friend will ask (about) a friend. 70:11 They will be made to see each other. The criminal would wish if he (could be) ransomed from the punishment of that Day by his children, … 70:15 By no means, indeed, it is surely a Flame of Hell,

(Verse 70:4 says that a Day is 50,000 years. There is no contradiction with Verse 32:5, because, according to the context, Verse 70:4 refers to the Day of Judgment)(Allah knows best)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (8) (Others)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)

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