Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Rose-colored Nebula in the Qur’an?

Rose-colored Nebula in the Qur’an?

55:37 Then when the heaven is split, and it becomes rose-colored like murky oil. 55:38 So which (of the) favors (of) your Lord will you both deny? 55:39 Then (on) that Day neither man nor jinn will be asked about his sin.

(Some people say that this Verse refers to a nebula, like the cat’s eye nebula)(The cat’s eye nebula is a relatively bright planetary nebula in the northern constellation of Draco, discovered by William Herschel. A planetary nebula is a type of emission nebula consisting of an expanding, glowing shell of ionized gas ejected from red giant stars late in their lives. Source: Articles “Cat’s eye nebula” and “planetary nebula” in wikipedia)(But the context of the Verse is not about stars but about heaven (55:37), and it is not a current event but a future event, so the Verse is not about rosette nebula, cat’s eye nebula and so. Notice that “heaven” and “it” are feminine in Arabic, so “it” refers to “heaven”)(In regard to the context, Verse 55:39 confirms that it is a future event, that is, on the Day of Resurrection or Judgment)(Allah knows best)

84:1 When the sky is split asunder, … 84:7 Then as for (him) who is given his record in his right (hand), 84:8 Then soon his account will be taken, an easy account,

(Verses 55:37 and 84:1 speak about the same event (“when the heaven is split”), so Verse 84:1 confirms that the event in Verse 55:37 is on the Day of Judgment)(Allah knows best)

81:1 When the sun is wrapped up, 81:2 And when the stars fall, losing their luster (inkadarat) … 81:15 But nay, I swear by those that retreat (bil-khunasi), 81:16 Those that run (and) disappear,

(Verses 81:1-2 explicitly refer to the sun and the stars. According to the article “NGC 6357” in wikipedia, “NGC 6357 is a diffuse nebula … . The nebula contains many proto-stars shielded by dark disks of gas, and young stars wrapped in expanding “cocoons” or expanding gases surrounding these small stars. It is also known as the Lobster Nebula”. So, the Qur’an mentions the sun (future event), and mentions the stars in general. Verse 81:1 mentions the word “wrapped up”, and the article in wikipedia confirms that stars are wrapped, so the Qur’an is in accordance with science)(In regard to Verse 81:2, the root of the word “inkadarat” (fall, losing their luster) is “Kaf-Dal-Ra”, and it means “to be muddy, be obscure, lose light, fall”. So, “falling” could be in the sense of losing light and becoming obscure)(Another interpretation is that stars shred/fall into a black hole)(Verse 81:16 confirms that falling / fading away (81:2) is in the context of disappearing; “those that run (and) disappear” (81:16))(A black hole is when massive enough objects collapse down (fall down) to an infinitesimal point (a singularity) due to the effects of gravity. At some distance from this singularity the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light, and since relativity says that nothing can travel faster than light, once anything passes within this distance (called the event horizon), it cannot escape)(A black hole is therefore simply a star, or other object, that has collapsed (fallen) to the point where its escape velocity exceeds the speed of light)(John Michell hypothesized that if a star could be massive enough then it might have an escape velocity greater than the speed of light, such that it would appear dark, hence “dark star”)(So, a star can “fall” and “become obscure” (81:2), because a star can collapse on itself. Another point is that the Qur’an does not say the place where the stars fall, nor implies that the stars fall on earth)(The root of “khunasi” (retreating) is “Kh-Nun-Siin”, and it means “to retreat / recede / drawback, retire or hold back, lag behind, shrink and hide / withdraw oneself, remain behind a company of people, sneak something away, etc”. So it does not mean or imply, for example, falling on earth, as some non-Muslims say)(Allah knows best)

82:1 When the sky (is) cleft asunder, 82:2 And when the stars scatter,

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (1) (Astronomy)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)

See also: Is the universe finite or infinite?

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