Friday, June 17, 2016

Is Christianity a pagan religion?

Is Christianity a pagan religion?

4:171 O People of the Book, do not commit excess in your religion and do not say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Glory be to Him, that He (should) have a son for Him. To Him whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.

(“Paganism” is defined as “a religion other than one of the main world religions, specifically a non-Christian or pre-Christian”)(Despite of this definition, Christianity is a pagan religion, because it differs from the Torah, even from the Gospel itself. So, it is other than God’s religion. And Christianity has man-made concepts (e.g. “trinity” concept, “son of god” concept, etc.). See the article below “How the Qur’an corrects Christianity?”)(Allah knows best)

19:22 So she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a remote place. 19:23 Then the pains of childbirth drove her to (the) trunk (of) the date-palm. She said, "O, I wish I (had) died before this and I was (in) oblivion, forgotten." 19:24 So cried to her from beneath her, "That do not grieve, verily, your Lord (has) placed beneath you a stream. 19:25 And shake towards you (the) trunk (of) the date-palm, it will drop upon you fresh ripe dates.

(The birth of Jesus (December 25) is a Christian/pagan celebration. Quoting a Christian website: “there is no evidence for this date. The early Christian church did not celebrate Jesus’ birth. It wasn’t until A.D. 440 that the church officially proclaimed December 25 as the birth of Christ. This was not based on any religious evidence but on a pagan feast. Saturnalia was a tradition inherited by the Roman pagans from an earlier Babylonian priesthood. December 25 was used as a celebration of the birthday of the sun god. It was observed near the winter solstice. The apostles in the Bible predicted that some Christians would adopt pagan beliefs to enable them to make their religion more palatable to the pagans around them. Therefore, some scholars think the church chose the date of this pagan celebration to interest them in Christianity. The Bible itself tells us that December 25 is an unlikely date for his birth. Palestine is very cold in December. The shepherds were in the fields (Luke 2:8-12). Shepherds were not in the fields in the winter time. They are in the fields early in March until early October. This would place Jesus’ birth in the spring or early fall, ...”)(Source: article “Was Jesus born on December 25?” by “allaboutjesuschrist(dot)org”)(According to the Qur’an, when Jesus was born, there were fresh ripe dates, but the harvest season of dates is not in Winter, so according to this, Jesus was not born on 25th December)(Allah knows best)

See also: How the Qur’an corrects Christianity?

See also: Does the New Testament abrogate the Old Testament?

See also: Is Jesus God and/or the son of God?

See also: Is the doctrine of the trinity correct?

See also: Does the Qur'an replace the Bible?

See also: Is Islam a pagan religion?

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