Monday, March 27, 2017

Was the ruler of Egypt addressed as “King” during the time of Joseph and “Pharaoh” during the time of Moses?

Was the ruler of Egypt addressed as “King” during the time of Joseph and “Pharaoh” during the time of Moses?

12:43 And the king said, "Indeed, I have seen seven fat cows, being eaten by seven lean ones, and seven green ears (of corn), and other dry. O chiefs, explain to me my vision, if you can interpret visions." … 12:46 Joseph, O truthful one, explain to us about the seven fat cows being eaten by seven lean ones, and seven green ears (of corn) and other dry, that I may return to the people so that they may know."

(According to the article “Pharaoh” in wikipedia, from the twelfth dynasty (1991-1778 BC) onward, the word “Pharaoh” appears with reference to the “great house” (buildings of the court or palace) and not the person)(According to the article “New Kingdom of Egypt” in wikipedia, during the reign of Thutmose III (circa 1479-1425 BCE), pharaoh, originally referring to the king’s palace, became a form of address for a person who was king. And according to the article “List of pharaons” in Wikipedia, “the specific title “Pharaoh” was not used to address the kings of Egypt by their contemporaries until the rule of Mermeptah in the 19th Dynasty, c. 1200 BC”. Mermeptah and Thutmose III are candidates for the Pharaoh of Exodus, and according to the articles, both were called “Pharaoh”)(Joseph was estimated to live in the 16th century BCE, or around 1600 to 1700 BC, depending on the source, and Moses in 1393-1273 BCE, or some time before. So, the articles in wikipedia may confirm that the ruler of Egypt was addressed as “King” during the time of Joseph, and “Pharaoh” during the time of Moses, so the Qur’an is correct; on the other hand, the Bible writers used the term “Pharaoh” for the rulers of Egypt during the time of Abraham and Joseph which, according to the sources, is incorrect)(Allah knows best)

12:69 And when they entered upon Joseph, he took his brother to himself. He said, "Indeed, I am your brother, so do not grieve for what they used to do." 12:72 They said, "We are missing the cup of the king. And for (the one) who brings it, is a camel’s load, and I am responsible for it."

(Another candidate to be the first king to be called Pharaoh is Akhenaten. According to the article “Ancient Egyptian civilization” at “schoolhistory(dot)co(dot)uk”, Akhenaten became the first king to be called Pharaoh. And according to the article “Akhenaten” in Wikipedia, he reigned c. 1353-1336 or 1351-1334 BC. All candidates are around the time of Moses, and from a much later time than Joseph)(Allah knows best)

7:104 And Moses said, "O Pharaoh, indeed, I am a Messenger from the Lord of the worlds

10:75 Then, after them, We sent Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his chiefs with Our Signs, but they were arrogant and were a criminal people.

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (5) (History)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)

See also: Who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus?

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