Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tower of burnt bricks in Egypt?

Tower of burnt bricks in Egypt?

28:38 And Pharaoh said, "O chiefs, I do not know of a god for you other than me. So kindle upon the clay for me, O Haman, and make for me a lofty tower so that I may look at the God of Moses. And indeed, I think he is of the liars."

(According to the article “Solving the mysteries of the pyramids” in “drexel(dot)edu”, “Professor Michel Barsoum, distinguished professor in the department of materials science and engineering at Drexel University and colleagues have found scientific evidence that parts of the great pyramids of Giza were built using an early form of concrete, debunking an age old myth that they were built using only cut limestone blocks”)(According to the article “the surprising truth about how the great pyramids were built” by Sheila Berninger and Dorilona Rose, in “livescience(dot)com”, “A year and a half later, after extensive scanning electron microscope observations and other testing, Barsoum and his research group finally began to draw some conclusions about the pyramids. They found that the tiniest structures within the inner and outer casing stones were indeed consistent with a reconstituted limestone. The cement binding the limestone aggregate was either silicon dioxide (the building block of quartz) or a calcium and magnesium-rich silicate mineral. The stones also had a high water content – unusual for the normally dry, natural limestone found on the Giza plateau – and the cementing phases, in both the inner and outer casing stones, were amorphous, in other words, their atoms were not arranged in a regular and periodic array. Sedimentary rocks such as limestone are seldom, if ever, amorphous. The sample chemistries the researchers found do not exist anywhere in nature. “Therefore,” Barsoum said, “it’s very improbable that the outer and inner casing stones that we examined were chiseled from a natural limestone block.” More startlingly, Barsoum and another of his graduate students, Aaron Sakulich, recently discovered the presence of silicon dioxide nanoscale spheres (with diameters only billionths of a meter across) in one of the samples. This discovery further confirms that these blocks are not natural limestone.”)(The conclusion is that there were burnt brinks in ancient Egypt)(The sources mentioned above are reliable. Another source which might not be that reliable, but could be correct, because reaches the same conclusion: Ramses II is one of the candidates for the Pharaoh of the Exodus. Quoting the book “Ages in chaos II: Ramses II and his time”, by Immanuel Velikovsky: “Flinders Petrie, the excavator of Tahpanheth-Daphnae, was impressed by reddish kiln-baked bricks found at Tell Defenneh and in the neighboring village of Nebesheh. The building materials of Egypt had always been stone and mud bricks. The mud bricks were dried in the sun, a practice employed even today in Egypt. Therefore kiln-baked bricks used a these two sites were very unusual in Petrie’s eyes. In the temple at Nebesheh, Petrie also found a statue bearing the cartouches of Ramses II… . The employment of red brick in this tomb, and in the next, which is also Ramesside, is of great importance. Hitherto I had never seen any red brick in Egypt of earlier times than the Constantine period… Now we see from these cases that baked brick was introduced in the Ramesside times in the Delta. Also in Tahpanheth (Daphnae) the archaeologist unearthed the foundations of a structure built of kiln-baked bricks… . It is essential to note this fact: that baked bricks were not discovered in Egypt of an age earlier than the time of the Ramessides, or of an age following that of the Ramessides…)(Allah knows best)

An alternative answer:

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (5) (History)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)

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